You think.!!

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You think I am a bad person;
Coz I am not the person you wanted

You think I am selfish;
Coz I want some alone time

You think I am Annoying;
Coz I Want to talk to you

You thing I am Nagging
Coz I ask you for something

You think I am Obsessive;
Coz I want you to think of me

You think I am Self absorbed;
Coz I think of myself sometimes

You think I am Self centered;
Coz I know what makes me happy

You think I am Not responsible;
Coz I forget to remember your things

You think I Deceived you;
Coz I have male friends

You think I am a bitch;
Coz tell you what is right

You think I am harsh;
Coz I speak the truth

You think I am a ice princess;
Coz I don't show emotions publicly

You think I am vulnerable;
Coz I share everything with you

You think I am easy;
Coz I wear my heart on my sleeves

You think I am Clingy;
Coz I want to be with you.

Now, I think,

One day will come,
When I will say,
Who are you, and,
I don't know you,

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