Chapter 6: The Archangels

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"Where have you been? I was looking for you."

Jennie, another Archangel, grabbed my arm just as I entered the cafeteria. It's lunch time and I haven't eaten anything today but a stick of cotton candy, but nope. Still not hungry. I feel exhausted after that conversation I had with Chanyeol and I would have just ran to my dorm and sulk if only I have a choice. Talking to him again is like relieving all those memories and I admit, it hurts real bad. With a sigh, I turned to Jennie and let her drag me to wherever, watching her long brown hair sway behind her.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked.

We sat around an unoccupied cafeteria table and I watch Jennie's face crumple into annoyance. "Your demon friend, Kai, already has a human target," she says between gritted teeth. "I could feel it. And I hate the fact that he got the upper hand right now."

"Um," I tried to say something with sense. "Then... Take that upper hand away, Jen."

She scoffs and looked at me incredulously. "I can't believe you're not panicking right now, Baekhyun!" she exclaims. "That's all you're gonna say to me?"

"O-Okay," I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut before turning to her again. "I'm sorry..." I said quietly. "I'm just tired and... I-I just talked to Chanyeol about what he did at the forest. It didn't go well..."

Jennie regarded me for a moment, chewing her bottom lip as she thinks of what to say. She has always been a really tense deity, so I understand all this anxious aura she's emitting. "He's such a jerk, huh?" she commented, and it made me flinch. "He's lucky you've always been patient with him. And he's even luckier you are the one in charge of him, or else..."

If Jenny is a tense deity, Chanyeol is a violent demon. Trying to stop him would mean engaging to a bloody fight. That's why no Archangel is willing to handle him but me, because somehow, my lack of appreciation for duels helps the situation— Well, at least that's what others think. What I think is that, it's because it's me. And because it's him. That's all.

I tried to change the subject. I don't really like talking about Chanyeol right now. "You were saying something about Kai?"

"Yes," Jennie looks entirely annoyed again. "It's a guy named Kyungsoo. I don't know yet what kind of relationship they have, but I have the feeling Kai already picked him. He already picked his soul." She tapped on the table with her nails which are painted white, waiting for me to say something. But I remained silent. It's not because Kai is my friend and I do not care about what he does but because I seriously have nothing to say. Jennie knows her capabilities. She knows what she needs to do. There's no telling her that.

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