chapter 2: revelations

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(Lady Devimon's temple, many years ago)

" Get up." Lady Devimon said as she stood above Tri Gatomon.

Tri Gatomon tried to get back up but unfortunately, she didn't have any strength left in her body, she fell to the ground.

"How Disappointing, I had high hopes for you but you're just as weak as your sisters." Lady Devimon said.

" Please forgive me, Mistress. I promise I'll do better next time." Tri Gatomon replied.

" Yes, you will. I'll admit, it's not all your fault, I haven't been giving you the right insensitive but now I promise you that I will make sure you do better..just like your sisters."

Tri Gatomon's face turned from one of exhaustion to one of fear.

" No, please Mistress, please don't."

Lady Devimon picked up Tri Gatomon in her normal arm.

Tri Gatomon saw lady Devimon's clawed hand coming closer.

" Please, Mistress, please don't!"

" I have to make sure you perform at your absolute best, this is the only way to make sure you do."

Lady Devimon began to make a triangle-shaped scar over her right eye. Lady Devimon then dropped Tri to the floor.

Tri looked up through her left eye and saw lady Devimon walking away.

" Remember, Tri, if you want to survive then you will do your absolute best because the next time you don't, I won't give you another scar, I'll take your life." Lady Devimon said as she walked away.

Tri slowly got up, she grabbed a rag so she could soak up the blood.

" Well, that was humiliating, I Doubt you'll still be alive after you finish next time."

Tri looked up and saw her sister, Scar looking down at her. Scar had an x shaped scar over her left eye.

" What do you want?!" Tri yelled.

"I just came to see my sister, that's all."

" No you didn't, you just came here to watch me fail."

"Guilty." Scar said.

" I mean c'mon, you know that lady Devimon won't pick you for the special assignment. Your too weak, that's why lady Devimon doesn't send you out on Assassination jobs because you're weak."

Tri didn't reply.

Scar began to walk out of the training hall but stopped as she heard Tri Gatomon say something.

"I'm not ashamed of who I am, scar. I'm sorry that I'm not as Brainwashed as you and zero are."

Scar was about to give Tri another scar when a third Gatomon jumped in the middle and stopped the two.

"Stop it. Lady Devimon will torture all three of us if she catches You two fighting." This Gatomon had a zero shaped scar over her right eye.

Scar Gatomon scoffed.

" Ha, I'm not a skrew up like you two, I'm the best and lady Devimon knows it, that's why when the Children of the DigiDestened grow up, I'll be the one to kill them." Scar Gatomon said as she walked out of the training hall.

" Don't let her get you down, Tri. You know how much she loves to make us feel like dirt ."

"Zero, when the time comes, do you think we'll have the strength to...kill the boy we were meant for?"

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