chapter 7 : Unhappy ending

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Chapter 7:Unhappy ending

Scar Angewomon removed her helmet and the bright shine from her eyes blinded everyone in the arena.

She then covered her eyes again and heard the pain-filled wails from everyone around them.

"What's happening to everyone?" Zero Angewomon asked.

" Whenever I take my helmet off I can see where ever the person I'm thinking about is. Unfortunately, the downside is that everyone around me is temporarily blinded but it only lasts for about 10 minutes."

"Where is she heading?"

"Northeast of here, let's go!"

The two sisters flew into the air and after 16 minutes of flying, the two sisters caught up to lady Devimon.

Scar and zero both summoned their holy Spears and flung them at Lady Devimon.

The first spear only grazed the side of Lady Devimon's head but the second struck her in the left shoulder!


Scar flew around and punched her former master in the face while zero quickly grabbed lady Devimon by the neck and began to choke her.

"It's going to take more than this to kill me!" Lady Devimon said while struggling in zero's grip.

Zero tried to pull off some of lady Devimon's hair but as soon  as she did, the hair began to Decay.

" God, I forgot how old you are," Zero said.

" You wish you could age as well as I have!"

Lady Devimon then elbowed Zero in the jaw and almost escaped but scar grabbed lady Devimon by her leg and spun her around a few times until she threw her into the side of a nearby Mountain!

" Was that really necessary?" Zero asked.

" Let's just say that I wanted to get a little revenge for Mom when lady Devimon did that to her and dad caught her." The two sisters then flew closer to the mountain to find lady Devimon had been impaled on a sharp rock.

Lady Devimon looked at the two sisters with a look or pure hatred.

Zero landed a few feet away and walked over to lady Devimon and pulled out one of her canines.

"For once something from you will do some good," Zero said.

Lady Devimon smiled as a stream of blood was coming out of her mouth.

"Hmm, enjoy your minor victory while it lasts."

"What are you rambling about now?"

" What I'm rambling about is that you have won this battle  now but I'll be back and when I return, I'll have the upper hand."

"Your lying to yourself. I know how your son died and from what I overheard at Boss Geckomon Jr's palace, you're no better off. This will be your final death and I'm very happy that I was here to witness it."

"Oh, I will be back...just not the way you expect."

"What are you talking about?"

"Tell me zero, when you saw me spray my toxin at your tamer, did you notice anything else in the poison cloud?"

Zero thought for a moment then she did remember seeing something odd in the cloud,something familiar,then it came to her.

"A Dark spore?"

Lady Devimon smiled.

" The toxin your Boy breathed in will we're off on its own but the spores in my gas will begin to take effect in a few days and your boy and sister will become something that neither you, Scar and the other New DigiDestined will not recognize."

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