chapter 6: Reunited in battle

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Chapter 6: Reunited in battle

"Oh, Meicoomon. Your so impulsive oh, did you really think you could just come into the arena by yourself and rescue your human all by yourself?"

Meicoomon smiled and showed her fangs.

"Who said I was alone?"

lady Devimon looked into the crowd and saw every member
Of the New DiDigiDestened raise
There Digivices and D-3's in the Air.

Gizamon Digivolve to DarkTyrannomon!

Gomamon Digivolve to Zudomon!

Biyomon Digivolve to Garudamon!

Kunimon Digivolve to Mega Kabuterimon !!

Syakomon Digivolve to Shellmon!!!

Betamon Digivolve to Drimogemon!

Terriermon Digivolve to Rapidmon!!!

Penguimon Digivolve to Airdramon!!

Hawkmon Digivolve to Aquilamon!!

Black Gabumon Digivolve to Black Garurumon!!

Some of the surviving Nightmare soldiers tried to run out of the Arena but unfortunately, as soon as they got to the doors they saw rows of Guardromon and
Meramon marching into the stands and blocking every exit.

"Your little cult ends here, Lady Devimon. Where going to make sure that none of your cronies leaves here alive!"

"You underestimate us, We hid in the shadows for years, watching as Gennai and his kind lived happy, peaceful lives while we had to live on what scraps we could find. We're done hiding and now we're going to be the ones who live the high life while you and all the other do gooder Digimon live out the rest of your lives as my slaves! Darkness Wave!!"

Meicoomon quickly cut open Boss Geckomon Jr's throat as she jumped out of the skybox before inhaling any of lady Devimon's poisonous gas.

"Please, help me." Boss Geckomon Jr tried to say as the blood came pouring out of his neck.

"You served your purpose. Be happy knowing that The New DigiDestened will die today."

Lady Devimon jumped down and transformed her long arm into a sharp blade and attempted to stab Meicoomon as they were falling down.

Meicoomon repeatedly Dodged Lady Devimon's strikes and was able to leave a few Deep scratches on Lady Devimon's face!
Meicoomon was happy to finally be able to lay some blows against the demon Devimon, she hadn't felt the pleasure since their last battle During the Anti-DigiDedtened war.

"Why can't you just die!!?"

"Funny, I wanted to ask you the same question!!"

Meicoomon looked down for a moment and saw the three carnivorous Digimon getting closer to Michael, she kicked lady Devimon in the face and jumped off her head and landed near Michael.

"Mikey, I need you to make me Digivolve!"

Michael got out his Makeshift D-3 and was about to press the button that made his partners Digivolve when the parasite Digimon knocked it out his hands and attempted to impale him with its legs!

It was about to cast the finishing blow when one of Michael's other Digimon partners came and socked the parasite Digimon in the face!

"You all right kid?"Gaomon asked as he helped Michael back up.

"Ya, I'm fine. Thanks for the save, Gaomon."

"If your gonna thank anyone it should be Meicoomon, she's the one who tracked you here."

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