chapter 4 : fight for your life

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Chapter 4:
fight for your life

The Dark MetalGreymon stepped out of it's holding pen and looked hungrily at Michael.

Michael froze in place for a moment as the carnivorous Digimon looked down at him.

It gave a loud roar that only seemed to excite Boss Geckomon Jr's onlookers.

" Eat em!" One of the onlookers shouted through the grill above them.

" ya, kill him till he's dead!" Another said.

" Michael,Run!!!"

Michael didn't need to look up to know who that voice belonged to, it was Tri Gatomon's.

Michael ran out of the small pool and ran towards the door of the pit only to find that it wasn't a door at all, it was only iron bars so more of Boss Geckomon Jr's thugs could watch. Michael tried his hardest to pull on the Bars but they wouldn't budge. One of the Goblimon saw he was trying to escape. The Goblimon opened the bars for a brief second, only to push Michael back out into The Dark MetalGreymon's range but unfortunately for him, he stepped too far into the pit and was grabbed immediately by the vary creature he was trying to feed Michael too. Michael looked in horror to see The Dark MetalGreymon grab the Goblimon and toss him into its mouth. Michael looked away as he heard a loud crunch!

The Dark MetalGreymon then belched and looked down at Michael.

It began to run towards him.

Michael looked around for anything he could use against the Dark MetalGreymon. He couldn't use his crest weapon  because he had given his crest to Tri Gatomon for safekeeping. He did notice a small panel with a button on it, That must have been how The Dark MetalGreymon was able to come into the pit.
If he could find something to throw at it then maybe he could lock The Dark MetalGreymon out and give himself some time to escape.
He looked around the floor for a large rock or something else to throw. All he could find was the skull of a toy Agumon.
Michael picked it up and threw it at the panel right when The Dark MetalGreymon was running through the Doorway.

The skull hit the panel button and the door came crashing down hard on The Dark MetalGreymon's neck!

The cheering stopped immediately, the only sounds Michael could here now was
Boss Geckomon Jr's angry shouting.

Tri Gatomon looked through the grill in the floor and felt a brief sense of relief as she saw Michael still walking around with all his hands and feet.
when she used to work for Boss Geckomon Jr, she had seen him drop many Digimon into the pit below and become food for The Dark MetalGreymon.
She had never seen anyone win against the monster, she was glad it was her Tamer who was the one survivor. As she looked down more closely, she noticed Michael walking over to The Dark MetalGreymon.

"Michael, what the heck do you think you're doing?!" Tri yelled down into the pit.

Michael ran over to the trapped beast.

He hadn't intended to kill it, he had only wanted to give himself some time to escape.

The gate had come down hard, Michael could feel the broken bones in its neck. She wouldn't be alive for much longer.

"I'm so sorry," Michael said to Dark MetalGreymon while trying to wipe away his own tears.

The dinosaur Digimon tried to move its head but stopped and emitted a pain-filled rasp.

Michael looked into its eyes and no longer saw the empty eyes of an animal but the eyes of a sentient being. Its eyes were trying to tell him something, they kept darting towards something wrapped around her right ear.

Michael recognized it immediately, it was a control ring. Simmer to the ones Ken used when he was the Digimon emperor but this one was more advanced.

Did it want Michael to take it off?

" Do you want me to take it off?"

The Dark MetalGreymon tried to nod its head but it caused too much pain.

Michael looked at the ring again and was about to try and pull it off but stopped himself. He knew from his own time of being a slave to Boss Geckomon Jr that if you just ripped it off, it would severely damage the brain of the person it was attached to.

" I can't, it'll ruin your brain."

The Dark MetalGreymon looked pleadingly into Michael's eyes.

Michael then looked back at the control ring, part of it had broken off when the gate had fallen down on The Dark MetalGreymon neck.

Michael gently opened the control ring and began to disassemble it but this process was interrupted by two Goblimon going in and grabbing Michael by the arm and dragging him out.

" No, Please! Just let me finish!" As Michael was being taken out of the room, The Dark MetalGreymon De-Digivolved back into her egg form.

The Goblimon Dragged Michael back up to Boss Geckomon Jr's lounge.

Boss Geckomon Jr looked vary angry.

" I invite you in as a guest and give you back your long lost partner and you repay my generosity by killing my favorite pet?"

" First of all, you didn't give her to me, you were trying to sell her, second of all, that poor The Dark MetalGreymon wasn't your pet. You treated her like a slave and reduced her mind to that of a hungry dog!"

" Hmm...I wonder what to do with you now? I have no use for you as an accountant anymore and I can't feed your kitties to my monster since you just killed it."

" Her, not it." Michael corrected the Crime Boss.

Boss Geckomon Jr thought to himself for a moment but  his thoughts were interrupted by Floramon who walked up to his master's Deus and Whispered something into his ear.

"Excellent, send her in."

"Send who in?" Tri Gatomon asked.

"Michael wasn't the only one I was trying to sell scar Gatomon too, there was another Buyer."

"Hello girls, it's so nice to see all three of you together again."

Zero and Tri both shook in fear as they herd the familiar voice of lady Devimon.

To be continued.

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