Why Would We Ignore Him? He's Our Friend!

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Writer's Block: Can you guys ignore Writingmachinedude?

Vani2609: No way! I'm gonna ignore him! He's a cool dude!

ShadesKitten: I agree!

Writer's Block: At least ignore him, and talk to other people.

gmwells: Heck no! That's not nice!

Writer's Block: Ignore him! His stories are awful! He has no future in writing!

SeeYouInAMinute_3000: That's very mean of you to say! Don't listen to WB, buddy! Your stories are fantastic!

Me: Thank you!

Writer's Block: Why are you even friends with this clown?

Vani2609: He's not a clown, you are!

ShadesKitten: Keep your comments to yourself, WB!

This story was written on Wednesday, January 8th, 2020.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘

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