Writer's Block Wants To Get Married To Juanita

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Writer's Block: I love Juanita so much!

Me: Glad you do!

countrystronggirl: As am I!

Robert: Ditto!

Writer's Block: I'm gonna ask her to marry me!

LittleRedConverse23: Whoa, dude! You're rushing into marriage, way too soon! You just met this chick!

Writer's Block: But, I love her with all my heart!

Robert: You have to know her a lot more! Take your time, and don't rush into marriage! And number 1, a ring is expensive!

Writer's Block: I already know that, Einstein!

countrystronggirl: Don't ask her to marry you, WB!

Writer's Block: Can someone please write me a check?

Me: For what?

Writer's Block: So, I can get an engagement ring!

countrystronggirl: No! Save up some money for a ring! I'm not gonna write you a check? And exactly, how much?

Writer's Block: Um, a thousand dollars, I guess?

countrystronggirl: The answer is no, WB! I'm not a bank! Get a job, and save money!

Writer's Block: I'm gonna ask her to marry me! End of discussion!

LittleRedConverse23: Moron!

This story was written on Wednesday, February 12th, 2020.

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