Chapter Thirteen

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I sat on the couch, my feet resting on the Dejarik board and a piece of jerky in my hands. I left my dark room about ten minutes ago, sneaking out to get something to drink, of course after I composed myself making sure that it didn't look like I had just cried my eyes out. I crept around the ship, trying to stay clear of Boba Fett, not wanting see that stupid green helmet. But the ship felt odd. It was quiet and even though I didn't want to see him, Boba was no where to be seen. I guessed he left, I even looked out the window of the cockpit to see the deck officer watching the ship I was in, smirking at a few credits in his hands. I rolled my eyes, knowing Boba probably paid him off to watch me. So I grabbed some of this jerky I found in the kitchen like room, sat down and waited. Yes, I could have tried to escape again, but I knew where that was going to get me. Another drag of shame back to this useless ship.

I didn't have to wait for long. Five minutes later the landing ramp opened, allowing heavy footsteps to enter the ship. I ripped off a piece of my jerky and chewed angrily at it, staring at my foot. Boba walked in and stopped for a moment glancing at me. The dirt scuffs on my boot where a lot more interesting to look at than him, so that's what I did. I heard Boba sigh from under his helmet and watched from my peripheral vision as he walked towards the cockpit. The ship shutter and groaned as the engines where turned on. Muttering profanities under my breath, I grudgingly got up and dragged my feet to the cockpit. Even though I didn't want to see the kriffing bucket head, I wanted to know where we were going. If we were taking my final stop on Tatoonie, I was going to back this the most horrible and annoying flight he'd ever take.

The door to the cockpit opened as I neared it. I leaned against the doorframe as Boba continued to press buttons, not acknowledging my presence. I crossed my arms over my chest, lifting up my hand to inspect my fingernails.

"So. Where are we going?" I spat out, venom laced in the words. Boba kept forward, now both hands firmly on the steering panel.

"Devaron." Was all he said, reaching up to flick a switch above him.

"Devaron. What's on Devaron?" I asked the venom leaving only to be replayed by utter confusion. Boba sighed before setting the ship into hyperspace and placing it on autopilot. I stumbled slightly as the ship jump into the hyperspace lane.

"Answers." I growled, pissed off at his one word answers.

"For what?" I asked dropping my arms letting them slap against my legs. The hunter remained silent, leaning back in his seat and staring at the light tunnel ahead of us. I waited for him to say anything else, my eyebrows raised in a questioning manner. After a minute or so of silence from the masked hunter, I groaned loudly and walked out of the cockpit and walked back to common room. Once I got back there, I resumed the position I once had, chewing angrily at the jerky.

After a few more minutes of silence, of me staring blankly at the wall, Boba slowly walked into the room. As soon as I saw him, I put my feet down, looking him squarely where his eyes should be under the T shape vision.

"What game are you playing at?" I asked leaning on my arms that rested on top of my thighs. Boba's head seemed to cock slightly like he was confused at what I was saying. I groaned and pushed myself on the slightly comfortable chair. "What are you doing? You've got me, it'd be easy just to quickly turn me in, but no! You're taking your sweet time. Do you just want to drag this as long as you can to torture me?" My voice raised again as I stood straight across from him. He took a breath as if he was going to say something, but I quickly cut him off. "And don't say that you can't go back because of those people who shot us down. That wouldn't stop you." I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for him. He seemed to be thinking on something hard, he would shift his weight from foot to foot every now and again. Finally, I heard him sigh and mutter something under his helmet.

"I'm not taking you back." He softly spoke out, as if he doubted his own words. That caught me off guard. I looked at him questionably letting my arms fall slowly to my side, "What?"

Boba stood straighter, his helmet looking me dead in my (e/c) eyes. "I'm not taking you back." This time his words came out strong and true. I scoffed lightly, not believing him.

"This-this is some cruel joke, isn't it?" I sneered out, pointing an accusing finger at Boba. He stood there not making a move. I started to pace lightly, still keeping eye contact with him. "You-you're just making fun of me aren't you. Kick them while they're down, right? Well enough! Just get it over with!" I yelled out, stopping my pacing to face him. Boba took a step forward towards me and I took one back. "Don't." I said sharply, holding a hand up. And he did, he didn't even try to take a step closer. Instead he hunched over, both of his hands on either side of his helmet. When he straightened back up, his helmet was off, held to the side of his body by his gloved hand. His hazel eyes met up to my own, an emotion laid hidden behind them. I was shock at the sincerity in his eyes.

"I'm not taking you back." He repeated, keeping eye contact. The intensity of his gaze and meaning shook me to my core. I nodded slowly, taking in his words and meaning.

"Then what's your plan?" I asked, my voice lowered and calm. Boba sighed, shaking his head. He walked over to where I was at and sat opposite to where I was standing. He gently placed his helmet on the Dejarik Board and place his head in his hands. I sat down where I was at, watching him.

"I... I don't know..." he said, staring a hole into the floor board.

"Well, will you drop me off somewhere?" I asked, trying to see what his thought process is. Boba shook his head, still not looking at me. "Why not?"

"Because Jabba will just send another hunter after you. Plus, if I failed bringing you in, that would look really bad on me." Boba stated finally looking up at me. I clenched my jaw, slightly angered by that last statement.

"Oh, so now you're worried about your job?" I accused, slouching back into my seat. Boba rolled his eyes, sitting up.

"A little bit, yes. I never really wanted to take the job anyway, but no one says no to Jabba Hutt." He explained. I shrugged, knowing that it was true.

"So what am I'm going to do?"

Boba sighed, running a hand through his messy black hair. He remained silent, thinking over the options. He gently shook his head, looking up to meet my eyes.

"I don't know. I guess you can stay with me until I find a way to let you live without looking over your shoulder." He shrugged, looking up at me for acceptance of his words. Sitting in silence, I thought on his words. I really didn't want to be locked on a ship with a man I still resented, but he was right. Hunters would still come after me and I hated to admit it, but I was safest with Boba. He had already shown that he could protect me, twice. I sighed deeply, not knowing another way.

"You're right, I wouldn't be able to live without a care." I nodded as I looked him in the eye. "Looks like I'll be flying with the legendary Boba Fett for a little while longer." He rolled his eyes, the corner of his lips pulling up slightly before falling back down. Boba nodded curtly before reaching forward and grabbing his helmet to slip it on back over his head. I watched his stand up and walk out of the room. When he was out of sight, I smile lightly to myself, warmed at the thought of a cold bounty hunter caring enough to go against the biggest crime lord in the galaxy.

Sorry, another filler chapter, but it should start picking up here soon. Again, if there are any misspellings or grammar errors, or things are confusing please let me know. Thank you for your support!!

If you guys want a scene or have an idea, let me know. It's helpful when I get feedback and ideas :)

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