Chapter Twenty Three

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It had been almost three months since I was enslaved once more. Boba visited me often, bringing me extra food, water and even a blanket. Now that he was back, the abuse I used to have to endure through seemed to have almost disappeared. No one seemed to dare try to touch me or call out horrible things to me. The few who did seemed to have gone missing for a few days only to return all beaten up. When asked what happened, they would shake their heads and refuse to answer.

I was extremely grateful for Boba and the visits we shared. He'd tell me about the different plans he had on freeing me and I'd help him think of anything and everything that could go wrong or right with the plans we made. So far, all the plans we made ended up with us dead or captured, nothing being fool proof or rational enough for us to actually attempt it. Lately our conversations leaned more towards him just telling me stories of recent adventures he had. I also asked about the Mandalorian armor he wore and he told me stories of his father; how he was a bounty hunter as well, how he died and how Boba struggled to get vengeance for Jango, his father. He told me about being raised by fellow hunters and the jobs he had as a child. It amazed me that at 12, Boba had started his reputation as a Bounty Hunter and was pretty successful then. When I asked him about Mandalore, he told me he was not born on Mandalore. I tried asking where he was born then, but he dodged the question by asking me where I was from. Smiling lightly at my past, I told him about my small remote planet called, Sorgan. Talking about the tall, green trees that covered the entire planet and the small farming village that I was born and raised in lighten my mood, but saddened me as well.

"(Y/n), I hope you don't mind me asking." Boba said, after I grew silent from taking about my home planet. Right now we were sitting down, our backs against the cold metal door as we talked. The Mandalorian must have done something to the guards, because he wasn't worried at all that they'd come and see him casually sitting in front of a cell having a casual conversation with a prisoner. I hummed out, signalling for him to continue after a couple moments of silence. "How did you end up here in the first place?"

Chewing on my bottom lip, I cast my eyes to the ground and fiddled with dirt clumps laying on the ground. "I was 13. I was a wild child, never liked doing chores or staying home. I'd always run around, playing in the fields and trees that bordered my village. My mother always warned me to not go into the forest that surround the village. Thugs lived there that would raid our village periodically. They would steal our Krell harvest and kill anyone who resisted, which is why I never met my father." I grew quiet for a while, thinking back on my small family.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to continue." I heard Boba whisper out. I smiled warmly at the bounty hunter's concern, "It's okay, I want to tell you.

"One day, I ran off to go play in the big trees. I kept running deeper and deeper, chasing bugs, frogs, or just messing around. That's when I accidentally stumbled into the thugs camp. They saw me, then grabbed me." I paused, pulling my knees to my chest, before continuing on, "They... they then sold me to the Hutts. I have been their property for 16 years and a dancer for 3." I spat out, venom laced in my voice as I finished my sentence.
I heard Boba sigh from the other side of the door.

"I'm sorry (y/n). I will make sure you don't have add onto that number."

"Thank you, Boba. Really." I smiled, turning my head to smile where I knew Boba was resting against the door. I heard Boba shuffle around on the other side of the door a little.

"Um... (Y/n) I-" a loud beep went off cutting the Mandalorian off. Boba remained quiet, focusing on whatever went off. Suddenly I heard Boba get up quickly, I followed gripping at the bars looking at the Mandalorian who was quickly picking his helmet up, about to put it on.

"What is it? Is someone coming?"

"No, I need to go and I may have an idea on how to finally get you out." Boba rushed out, tucking his helmet under his arm and straightening is gear out.

"What is it?" I asked, excitedly bouncing my legs.

"I'm sorry, there's no time to explain right now, I need to go. I might not be back for a while, but I promise you, I will be back." Boba explain, placing his gloved hands on mine. I nodded, sad that he had to leave in such a hurry. "Please be safe." Boba chuckled light, flashing me a small smile.

"I could say the same to you. Your job is probably more dangerous than mine." I laughed lightly at his attempted joke. Boba smiled at me one more time before turning around and going to slip his helmet over his head. Before he could get to far, I called out.

"Boba!" He stopped, turning around to look at me, his hazel eyes scanning mine for answers. Nervously, I looked down to fiddle with my fingers. "I... um-I... um I think.. that-um-" I was cut off by Boba softly placing his lips on mine. I hardly had time to register the kiss before it was over. Boba stared at me, an intensity in his eyes, I've never seen before. Slowly, he gave a faint smile reaching his hand through the bars to softly coress my cheek.

"Me too." He whispered before quickly turning away and putting the green helmet over his head to go who knows where.

Gah!!! So sorry guys!!! I'm so bad at consistency!

Anyway, have any ideas on how he might save you??

Well you guys know the drill by now; spelling errors? Suggestions?

Love you all!!!

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