Chapter Twenty Five

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It was a regular day in the hell hole. Loud music rang out, drunks laughed and hollered out at girls, bounty hunters rang out their exaggerated tales of bounties, and I was unwillingly sitting beside the fat slug. Oola was out dancing at the moment, Jabba had seemed to have taken a liking to the green Twi'lek. He seemed to enjoy pushing her to her limits and trying to make her brake. I'd hear her quiet sniffles in the night after her long, torturous days on the floor. During those nights I'd stay awake with her, telling her of how wonderful the universe was and where we'd go once we'd escape. Telling her those stories seemed to help her sleep through the night, but they also made me more anxious for when my Mandalorian would return. I've lost track of the time it has been since I've last seen Boba Fett, but every day made me more excited for when I'd see his handsome face and hear his roughly smooth voice again.

A blaster being fired woke me out of my thoughts. Men and women screamed as an Aqualish loudly screamed out, waving around a blaster, about how the dead Weequay cheated. Jabba bellowed out a laugh as the killed Weequay's buddies tackled the Aqualish and dragged him outside. The rambunctious atmosphere roared to life again once the commotion was moved outside and I was allowed off the stone throne. I quickly hurried away from the slug in case he changed his mind. Yarna and Oola danced together in the middle of the floor as a high tempo song rang out. Neela appeared at my side, bumping into me lightly. I smiled at the girl and continued to watch the party from afar.

"Do you still believe that bounty hunter will save us?"

"What?" I asked, shocked by the suddenness of the question.

"You've given us a glimmer of hope. I'd hate for it to all be for nothing." The dark hair girl replied, watching Oola as she danced around, sweat balled up on her forehead. I had nothing to reply as I watched the dark hair girl turn and walk farther into the crowd.

For the first time since I found out Boba was alive, doubts filled my mind. Was I really giving these girls false hope? What if Boba and I never found a way for me to escape? Or what if our plan wouldn't work for three other girls? I nervously started to chew on my bottom lip. My mind raced with endless possibilities of failing the other girls. It only stopped when the loud background noise of the throne room died down to be replaced by murmurs. Looking up I saw my Mandalorian walking into the room with something following behind him. People slowly got closer to Boba, but made sure to keep out of his way as he strutted towards Jabba. The giant slug laughed out, spreading his short fat arms out towards the hunter.

"Ah," Jabba roared out in his forgein tongue, "What have you brought be Boba?"

"A piece of art for your wall." Boba stated, gesturing towards an empty space on the brown wall. Looking closer at the gray block floating beside Boba, I saw a man frozen in Carbonite, his hands up and his mouth gaping open. Jabba laughed loudly, other hunters joining in or speaking in hushed whispers to each other. I gasped, covering my mouth when the frozen face struck familiarity within me. It was Han Solo. The smuggler that dump his load and never paid Jabba for the lose. He would often flirt around with me, but never tried to much. All Han would do when I saw him, was flirt with girls, drink a little, and gamble a lot. Several fights had broken out because of that last one.

"Bib, give this man his reward for this much awaited gift!" Jabba motioned towards the pail Twi'lek. Bib bowed and started to reach for credits before Boba held up his hand, stopping the transaction from continuing further.

"Do you really believe this... sculpture is really worth what was originally promised? This is more than just you receiving Han Solo, instead you are receiving, Man in Carbonite." Boba persuaded, bolding folding his arms over his chest. Jabba let a creepy smile spread over his mouth and his tail wiggled wildly, almost drooling over the Carbonite statue.

"Right you are Boba, Bib! Give this man three hundred fifty thousand credits for this fantastic piece of art." Once more murmurs rang out as Bib glanced at Jabba for confirmation for the very large amount. When no reply came from the crime lord, the Twi'lek handed Boba the large case full of the golden credits. The Mandalorian nodded towards Jabba as a couple of servants came and took Han to mount him to the wall.

Music roar out again as Boba gestured at the Hutt to see if he could approach the throne, which the slug consented. Boba made his way up to Jabba and talked in hushed voices. I could have swore they glanced my way or two before Jabba bellowed out a chuckle slapping Boba harshly on the back.

"(Y/n)! Come here!" I was shocked that I was being summoned, but I quickly walked over to the throne, making sure to not make eye contact. Jabba placed his slimy hand on hip, which I had to restrain myself from slapping it off, to push me forward. "How about you show this fine man a good time." He smirked and patted Boba on the back again. I noticed that Boba's fist balled up as Jabba made contact with both of us. My heart wanted to jump put of my chest, but I tried to remain cool and do what I'd normally did. So I nodded quickly, keeping my eyes to the ground and led the Mandalorian towards a private room. For the fourth time that day, I heard whispers go out as scum watched me walk away with the most famous hunter. I did however noticed Oola winking at me and making very bizarre motions with her hands, which cause my face to burn a bright red.

Neither of us spoke as we walked to a door off of the main hall. Once we had reached the room, I quickly went inside, unable to take the tension that seemed to have built up. I heard the door shut and turn to see Boba taking his helmet off and setting it a small stool beside the door. He slowly walked up to me and gently reached down to grab my hand.

"How have you've been?" Boba asked, looking into my eyes. I paused for a moment. I had no idea what was going on and although this was always how our conversations started, I seemed to have no expected it.

I shook my head and let out a small smile, trying to rid myself of the weirdness that flooded me. "I'm doing as well as someone here can." Boba nodded in understanding, smiling lightly, he awkwardly cleared his throat before pulling his hand away to rub the back of his neck.

"Sorry to bring you in here," Boba started off, very unsure, "I just couldn't wait to tell you and this seemed the only way to talk in a discreet manner." I nodded, but was almost slightly disappointed in his reasoning, although his words of urgency filled in that void.

"Well then don't keep me waiting." I teased, playfully shoving his shoulder. An excited smile seemed to slowly grow over Boba's, causing small wrinkles to form at the corner of his hazel eyes.

"I believe I found a way to get you out of here."

Yay new chapter!!! Thought I'd let you guys have a cliffhanger and try to squeeze out another chapter or two for you lovely readers!!

As per usual, any spelling errors or grammar errors please let me know.

And if you guys want a scene to happen let me know. Maybe after the book ot done I can write some one shots.

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