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The following day, little Seoyeon woke up early at 6 o'clock in the morning because Seoyeon knew her father usually went to work at half past seven. Without wasting more time, she went to her bathroom and did her morning daily routine with a little assistance from one of the maids. Just as Seoyeon completed doing her morning business, she went to her closet to choose some clothes that she wanted to wear for the day.

She has worn a light grey dress with little leaves printed and wore it over with a light brown knit cardigan (Picture above). She also asked one of the made to style her mid-back length hair into pigtail hair style. As Seoyeon satisfied with her clothing, she said her gratitude to the maids who were helping her and went downstairs to have breakfast with her family. When Seoyeon saw both her parents at the dining table, she greeted them with a good morning and with ease, she climbed up on her usual seat at the dining table, next to her mother.

"Do you sleep well, sweetheart?" Mrs. Kang asked her daughter, placing some foods on Seoyeons plate.

"Nae, Omma. I sleep well. Thank you, Omma." Seoyeon replied, picking a piece of kimchi pancake from her plate.

When the time strike at half past even, Mr. Kang told his family that he would go to work in a few minutes and went to grab his things from the master bedroom. Seoyeon overheard her father announcement, who quickly rushed to her feet and grabbed her backpack from her own bedroom. Then she ran to the front hall, putting her cute pastel grey canvas shoes on.

Before leaving the house, Seoyeon hugged her mother and bid her goodbye. Mrs. Kang returned her daughter hug and told Seoyeon to behave and kissed her daughter's forehead. Little Seoyeon only responded with a nod and followed her father entering the car, where Mr. Moon gladly helped Seoyeon fastened her seatbelt and closed the car door with a smile attached to his face seeing how excited Seoyeon was. Mr. Moon was known as the family driver that work for the Kang family for 6 years and Seoyeon looked up to Mr. Moon because she viewed him like her grandfather.

Driving to the office, Seoyeon was busy chatting with her father and Mr. Moon about Seoul view. It took only about 30 minutes for them to arrive at the Kang's Style company. When the car stopped at the Kang's Style front entrance, Seoyeon watched from the window car that a lot of employees were standing in a vertically order from both sides at the front entrance with the red carpet laid on the floor.

Looking back at the people that were standing, Seoyeon was interested about them and determined to ask her father about it but only to look he was already out of the car. Opening the car door at Seoyeon's side in the car, Mr. Kang helped his daughter unfastened the seatbelt and exited the car. Seoyeon observed that all of the employees who were standing would give them a greeting bow and quietly whispered among each other as both Seoyeon and her father walked toward the company entrance door.

Once they were inside the building, Seoyeon gently tugged her fathers arm, trying to catch his attention. Feeling the gentle tug from his daughter, Mr. Kang turned his attention to Seoyeon whilst kneeled down to his daughter height and asked her what was wrong.

"Appa, why did all of those people outside bow at us?" Seoyeon asked him.

Mr. Kang clarified to his daughter that he was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Kangs Style, which caused the employees to greet them with a bow as a sign of respect. He also mentioned to Seoyeon that someday she would also become the next chief executive officer of the Kangs Style business. Hearing her father explanation, Seoyeon questioned him why she would be the next chief executive officer of the company in the future. Mr. Kang simply specified that Seoyeon was his only precious daughter, which made her the last inheritor of the Kang's family.

One of the Kang's Style employees approached them, which caused Mr. Kang to stand up and turned his attention to his worker, who was telling him that their guests have arrived. While her father talking to one of the workers, Seoyeon looked at her surroundings. She was amazed with the beauty of the interior design of the building, which consisted of modern aspect that bring up the modern style atmosphere. Other than the interior design, she was astounded when she saw the commercial of attractive outfits shown on the television.

"Seoyeon-ah, why dont you take a seat for a while? I need to greet our guests first." Seoyeon's father said, pointing to the nearest sofa in the lobby area.

"Nae, Appa." Seoyeon replied, walking to the sofa in the lobby. She continued to stare at the commercial on the small screen, not noticing that a 6 years-old boy just entered the building with his father and stared at her from afar. When Seoyeon heard her father called her name, he gestured for her to join him and his guests.

"Seoyeon-ah, this man is Mr. Kim, my friend, and this young man is his son, Yohan. He had the same age as you, so he's your friend. Would you like to introduce yourself, sweetie?" he said. Seoyeon glanced at their guests, particularly at Yohan. Both Seoyeon and Yohan met each other eyes, which caused Seoyeon to suddenly felt shy and proceed to hide behind her fathers long legs. Both of the adult chuckled at Seoyeon sudden changed behavior while Yohan grinned at her cute action.

"Yohan-ah, why dont you introduce yourself to our friend?" Mr. Kim said. Yohan nodded and took two steps forward and introduced himself.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Kim Yohan. You can call me Yohan. Nice to meet you." Yohan exclaimed, sneaked a quick look over Mr. Kang legs to see Seoyeon. He beamed at Seoyeon when she glanced at Yohan behind her father legs.

Seoyeon looked up at her father, not sure what to do. Mr. Kang gave her daughter an encouraged motion to ease her shyness. Seoyeon move from her father's legs and began introduced herself.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Kang Seoyeon." She uttered, took a glimpse at Yohan and smiled.

Then, Yohan made a gestured as he held his hands in front of Seoyeon for a friendly handshake, impatiently waiting for her. Seoyeon, who no longer feeling shy, took a few steps toward Yohan and returning his handshake. With the kind gestured from Yohan, Seoyeon showed her beautiful smile to Yohan.

'Woah, she's pretty when shes smiles.' Yohan thought.

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