Chapter 2 - The Theater

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The mid-morning sun shone high in the overcast sky across the city. It was a nice day out, overall, and most anyone would love spending the day shopping and enjoying the many services and goods the city has to offer. On any other day, the same might be true even for Clara, but unfortunately today was not any other day.

As she stood outside her apartment, with Jack, her lack of a single item of clothing suddenly became even more apparent to her. Oh my god, what have I done? I'm outside, I'm outside in the cold, in public, if anyone comes by... 

Her hands grew tighter over her breasts and crotch, as she desperately tried to hide them, but before long, her embarrassment got the best of her, and she began to cry, and ask to be let back inside, turning her back to Jack, and removing the hand covering her groin to try and open the door once again, but it was already locked. 

"Please...I can't be seen like this, I'll die, please..."

"You know I can't do that," Jack replied, staring once again at her butt. 

Silently, Clara replaced her hands over her body, and turned around once again. Reality began to set in. I...I'm gonna be seen by everyone, they'll all see will I ever show my face in public again? This can't be happening...

Before she knew it, Clara was being led down the stairs, with Jack's hands on her bare shoulders. After one flight, she began to finally move on her own again, slowly making her way to the ground floor, only two flights down, praying the whole time that no one else would show up. Finally reaching the ground floor, she peered out into the parking lot, and froze once again. 

The idea of being away from her apartment building entirely made her feel even more naked, and she clamped her hands tightly against herself, closing her eyes. I can do this. Just run to the car as quickly as possible, no one will see. 

Jack had already gone ahead, reaching his car, and holding open the passenger door for her. When Clara opened her eyes, she saw this, and gathered up her courage to walk quickly to the car, and sit. 

This was a brand new sensation for Clara. She had never been in Jack's car before, let alone without any clothes on. Her bare butt was warm against the upholstery, and she quickly put her seatbelt on while Jack walked to the driver's side door.

By the time he entered and sat down, Clara had lifted her legs up to her chest, in an attempt to preserve her modesty. her knees rested against her breasts, as she stared blankly out of the passenger window. 

"Come on now, that can't be comfortable. Make yourself at home, we've got a whole day ahead of us." Jack smiled as he started the car.

Clara simply shook her head. A whole day. What does that mean? Until he chooses to let me come home? What if he leaves me out here? What if someone...

Her heart sank as Jack's car pulled out of the parking lot, as she suddenly remembered where they were going. 

The movie theater. Oh god, not there, I know people from high school that work there, please don't let them be there. 

Clara rode in complete silence, holding her breath at every stoplight, praying that the person next to them wouldn't look over. Luckily, traffic was fairly light, since it was still early, but there were plenty of people out, still. At this point, being seen was only a matter of time. 

Clara kept her eyes focused on her window, otherwise she would have noticed Jack's wandering gaze alternating from the road to her curled up nude body. For Clara, pretending he wasn't there was the only way she could survive the trip. 

Before she knew it, they were stopped once again, only this time, in a parking lot, not a stoplight. Upon hearing Jack's car door open, Clara began to panic. The theater wasn't packed, but there were people there. Adults and children, all arriving to catch the noontime matinee. She would have no cover here, at least, until they entered the theater. 

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