Chapter 5 - Full Coverage

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Outside the front doors of Baldwin's storefront, the empty parking spaces continued to fill with eager shoppers, as the workday came to a close. The store often saw modest business, being visited mostly by fashionable young adults and professional businessmen. Today was unlike any other, as more and more customers arrived, many of them regulars. However, to much of their surprise, they would be met with a totally new sight outside the storefront. As customers made their way to the doors of the store, with their pockets full of money, they found themselves distracted by a strange, and unbelievable spectacle: a girl was leaving the store with someone, who was holding bags bearing the store's logo, completely naked. Some didn't notice her, or simply chose to ignore her, but many of them stood in shocked silence, pointing and discussing quietly with their friends about the sight before them, and snapping photos with their phone. Despite this unwarranted attention, the girl seemed to take no notice of them, and quickly walked away from the store, with her hands over her breasts and groin. 

He never said he'd let me wear them..., Clara deliberated to herself. She had desperately followed Jack out of the store, following her humiliating display as a human "mannequin," and had hoped her prolonged nakedness would soon be relieved. Much to her dismay, however, the clothes Jack had purchased for her were clearly meant to be worn later, as he continued to carry them, and led her along the asphalt with him. 

At this point, Clara had been so focused on the bag of clothing in Jack's hands, she hadn't bothered to consider the crowd of people staring at her, only a hundred feet away. Still covering herself, she began to cry. The brief period of hope she had felt that maybe her humiliation was finally about to end had given her a burst of bravery, only for it to be dashed away by her realization that she was still at the mercy of Jack's wishes. 

As of right now, Jack's wishes were unclear, but it was easy to tell that he did not intend to let her get dressed just yet. He continued to lead the girl through an alleyway, toward the downtown district of town. Fortunately for Clara, the back alley route they were taking was rarely populated, so no one would be around to see her. Still, the damage had been done, as she'd already been seen by dozens of people in multiple locations, totally naked, and on full display, literally, in one instance. 

Clara felt betrayed and broken, as she desperately followed behind her roommate. Her bare feet rapped against the gravelly pavement of the sidewalk, as they made their way between buildings, and past dumpsters and, thankfully unoccupied, makeshift tents. In her especially vulnerable state, Clara felt anxious and weary, making her way through the barren alleyway. 

Before long, however, Clara's humble silence and desperate mental pleas were disrupted by a distant burst of loud, obnoxious music. Caught off guard, Clara's hand tightened against her privates as she gasped and glanced upward. The sight before her made her want to vomit. 

"Ahh, parade today? I forgot about that!," Jack lied, looking over at Clara with a devious smirk. "We've still got time. Wanna sit and watch?" As usual, Jack's eyes lingered on Clara's hips and smooth, bare legs. He truly loved her body, and wished she'd let him have his way with her. Still, her nude body would have to do for now. 

Clara's legs quivered in fear. "P-please, no...I can't...," She managed, as a wide range of musical instruments and band members made their way toward them. She fought the urge to run off and hide, or steal the clothes from Jack, as she clutched her breasts and pussy in her arms tightly, desperate to hide herself from the oncoming crowd. 

To her dismay, Jack placed his arm around her bare shoulder, and held her next to him, looking on toward the approaching band. Slowly, people perched on seats around them began to take notice of the naked girl on the sidewalk, some of them opting to take their kids and leave in disgust, and some of them on their phones, calling out to her, or taking photos. The only thing that stopped Clara from breaking down and collapsing was Jack's arm, wrapped tight around her upper back. 

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