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Clara's phone had blown up the last several days. Mostly friends calling and texting, asking if it was really her in the news and on the stage at the concert. And on everyone's phones. She ignored then entirely. After all, what could she say? Yeah, that was me, totally naked up on stage. Aren't I cool?

As she predicted, she was terrified of showing her face in public again. She found herself bundling up even more than usual, putting on multiple layers even when it became uncomfortable. Anything to reduce the feeling of vulnerability that always followed her ever since that day.

It had been a week since her naked journey through town. It was a day she'd never get back, and would likely haunt her forever. Still, she couldn't say she had it all bad, as she sat on Ben's sofa and watched television. The night he had met her in the alley had changed her. She knew, right then, that he was meant for her. And then the way he stood up for her. The way she stood up for herself, even with all the humiliation. It was something she wouldd never have gotten if not for Jack and his perverted proposal.

As for Jack, it was almost certain he'd never have another roommate. Ben made sure of that. He'd gone over to the apartment to get Clara's things, and had effectively blackmailed him. He threatened to testify as a witness in a sexual assault trial against Jack if he ever saw another woman with him. Of course, he has no way to enforce this, but Jack didn't need to know that.

Still, Clara had trouble sleeping at night with the knowledge that everyone had seen her naked. She'd never be the same again. All her friends probably hated her, and she couldn't bring herself to answer them. The only call she took was from the woman at the parade, who asked to interview her. She answered only to opt out, before she heard the proposal.

"Fifty bucks a minute, plus royalties for every sale of the film."

It was impossible to pass up. Still, she requested that her face and privates be blurred out, which was a hard sell, but ended up working out.

As for Clara's mother, she had no idea. She had ended up better off in terms of her living situation, and even signed up for some online summer classes to keep her units coming in. She'd never once strayed away from her promise, and even wrote her letters now and then. Still, if she only knew what she'd done to get where she is now. Her mother would certainly disown her. If she'd been alive to hear about it, that is.

Life with Ben had been going great. He kept his distance, as she was understandably distant when it came to physical intimacy, but she was working on it. She was finally able to take a shower without cowering, for once. Things were slow, but she was happy.

Eventually, her first royalty check for the interview came in. She'd agreed to do the interview over the phone, and have her voice distorted after the fact. When Ben was away, she'd decided to watch the review copy she'd been sent in the mail. Reliving her traumatic experience was not something she was interested in, so she skipped past her parts, but was fascinated by the rich culture of the city she'd grown to love. That is, until Jack appeared on the screen.

He was sitting in a chair , his face obscured by a shadow, but his voice wasn't disguised. It was him, she was sure. He'd been asked what his business was with the nudist girl, and his response shocked Clara to her core.

"Oh, you know, she was just so reserved about things. I never thought she'd actually go out like that, honestly. I never really expected her to take off more than even a button in front of me. I dated her to go out naked when she was hard up for rent, and said I'd pay for a whole year if she did. Instantly there she was in front of me. Not a stitch on her. Honestly, I never thought I'd get that far. I was gonna pay her anyway, it was just a bit of fun, but eventually I decided to just roll with it. She never even suspected it. So really, it was all her in the end."

Awestruck, Clara ejected the disc and snapped it. She screamed into her pillow, and cried. She remained that way for several minutes until Ben opened the door, having returned from work.

"Clara? What's wrong?" He sat next to her, and placed a hand on her shoulder. It was the only place he'd been allowed to touch her since she moved in.

"H-he said...I didn't even...oh God!"

Clara leaned into him and cried against his chest, as he held her tightly against him. They remained this way for a while, as he continued whispering words of comfort and care into her ear as she wept. Before long, she settled down, and the two of them drifted off to sleep.

Clara dreamt that night that she went to school in her underwear. Everyone laughed at her.

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