Chapter 4 - All Apparel, 100% Off!

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The sign on the door of the diner had suddenly shifted, as Terry turned it around, the words changing from "open" to "closed". Getting one last good look at Clara's backside, Terry smiled and went back to work. 

Holding her hand once again, Jack led Clara further down the modestly populated street. Humiliated once again inside the diner, Clara felt some semblance of relief for once, as the apron she'd been given covered at least some of her nakedness. Still, it hardly helped her embarrassment as passing cars honked at her, and the drivers yelled, asking her to lift the apron. 

With her free hand, Clara held the apron tightly, pulling it downward to prevent it from riding up on her. Despite Clara's short stature, the thin piece of cloth was still only just long enough to hide her pussy from view, and her bare legs and butt were still completely exposed. The admittedly confusing good gesture done to her by Terry seemed to upset Jack. He walked briskly, and never looked back toward Clara. Despite having helped her to put it on, Clara worried if donning the meager article was enough to nullify their deal. After all, while she was still very under-dressed, her overall nakedness had decreased substantially, as she now had a much more effective method of covering herself.  

I don't know what would be worse, she thought, Having to be completely naked in front of even more people, or failing to meet my end of the deal, and being kicked out! 

Afraid to find out, Clara spoke up. "H-hey...uh..."

Jack responded quickly, still not looking back at her. "What?"

"I-is the deal still...," she asked, blushing.

Jack stopped walking for a moment, as if to consider his words, then quickly continued. Realizing that to press further would be futile, Clara left the issue unresolved. Her single article of clothing, although extremely inadequate, did manage to give her a decent morale boost. This being so, she was terrified of the idea of having to remove it. 

When the two eventually stopped walking, Jack let go of her hand, and turned around. They were standing in the parking lot of a department store. "I made you a promise back at the diner, remember?"

Clara nodded, placing her now free hand over her butt, in an attempt to hide it.

"Well, here's how it's gonna be. Consider your current uh, outfit, to be a part of your reward."

Upon hearing this, Clara's face lit up. Maybe he'll let me keep it, after all!

"After all, the streets outside are much more public than anywhere else, who knows who might have seen you?"

Suddenly weary of his next words, Clara simply shrugged. 

"I told you I'd buy you anything you want in this store, and I meant it," he continued, gesturing behind him, toward the store. "You've been given a lot of charity today, though, and you're only getting more if I spoil you in here. I think it's only fair you give back a little, in return, since you're so grateful."

Confused, Clara asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, seeing as you're a little 'less fortunate' yourself, you must have so much compassion towards the needy, no?"

Suddenly realizing where he was going with this, Clara began to shake. "S-sure...I suppose..."

"Of course you do! Well then," Jack said, now looking toward the alleyway next to the store, where a large, blue metal bin sat. "If I'm gonna spoil you, I gotta know you deserve it." As he spoke, Jack made his way behind Clara, seemingly to admire her butt again. 

Blushing, Clara turned her head toward the ground. She didn't know what to say or do, until Jack began to fidget with the strings on the back of her apron. Clara quickly panicked, and turned around, but as the strings had become entwined around Jack's finger, this caused the loose knot to come completely untied. 

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