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Clara was never the most remarkable girl her age. In her college classes, she only talked when spoken to, and never really had any close friends. Her shoulder-length blonde hair, and short, petite figure ensured that she rarely stood out in a crowd. Most days, she would walk between classes with her head down, focused on her phone or considering her plans for the day. 

On her way out of her last class of the day, her routine was no different. She kept her head down, in an unassuming, reserved manner, and made her way through crowds of students to get to her job. Almost every day, after school, she worked the afternoon shift at the university's convenience store. The job paid a student's wage, which was modest, but it paid the bills, and the benefits were generous. 

Clara opened the door to the convenience store, and took her position behind the counter, to begin her shift. Before she could ring up her first customer, however, her colleague and supervisor Jen approached her, with a sullen look. 


"Hey, Jen", Clara gave her a gentle smile, "You alright?"

"Clara, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? What for?" Her face grew noticeably rumpled with confusion.

"I've been asked to...speak with you."

"About what? What's going on?"

"Clara, I like you a lot, and you've done a lot for us, but you've been so distracted lately, and the customers are starting to notice."

"Jen, I don't understand. I've got a lot going on, with my parents leaving and all, but I always keep it separate. What are you saying?"

"I know you think you're great at hiding your emotions, Clara, but it shows. You're not nearly as present anymore, and we've received complaints from customers. You're ringing items up multiple times, charging the wrong price, and sometimes  completely neglecting to give them their change."

Clara stood at the register looking dejected. A tear began to well up on her face as she spoke. "I...I'm sorry. I didn't know..."

Jen reached over and hugged her. "It's okay, Clara. I know you're dealing with a lot. You're on your own now, in a big world, and that's not easy for anyone. I think it's best for you to have some time to reflect, and focus on your studies, so I have to let you go. I'm sorry."

Clara began to cry, silently. "I...don't know what to say. This job was the only thing keeping me going right now. It's only just enough to keep my rent payments, and the next one is due in three days. I'll be screwed." 

"I know. If I had any say, I'd give you some time off and let you rest, with pay, but it's not my call. We're losing money, and I was told to lay you off. I really do hate to do this, but I'll have to collect your store key."

Wiping her eyes, Clara reluctantly handed over the key, and returned to the front of the counter. Embracing Jen one more time, she backed away toward the door, and walked out. 

Clara's DebtWhere stories live. Discover now