115.) Meeting the End

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Appear like an angel,
silent like their deaths,
and only look little,
but have the biggest zest.

Fall from the light
to drown in the dark.
Try to crawl back up.
But be pushed back down.
Then turn that frown,

And smile as you burn,
and cry as you turn.
Land on sacred holy clouds, look right down.
Wonder if it's real, fake, a dream or a lie.
Believe! To not do is forbidden!
Realism hidden?
Lose all you thought you knew
to something shiny and brand new.
Just like a bird, your mind grew wings and flew.
To something greater,
Not existing.
Melancholy darkness,
as all fades away to a blurry, vague nothing.

At last.
I awaited this day.
It wasn't destiny, it was fate.
Save me when it's too late.
Thank the universe for the role you were given.
Wave it goodbye, while hoping you're forgiven.

At least you had faith.
Good riddance to all that was bad,
move on to not make it sad.
Good awaits.
I'll be with you soon.
Meeting you one day
is all that matters.
My silliness finally shatters.

Poetry By Eclipse (Poetry Book One)Where stories live. Discover now