🕯27.) "Tag, You're It!"🕯

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Sure, it's all fun an games at first
Yet no one seems to notice how you burst
Burst out into the wild, sprinting free like an overpowered child

Run, Run, Run, it's only a game!
All we want is to have is some Fun, Fun, Fun!

They yell "Tag, you're it!"
"Tag - Tag, you're it!"

Run and scream and shout and hide
No one really seems to mind

"Tag, you're it!"
"Tag - Tag, you're it!"

Just pull me down
Stare as I frown
And watch me drown
While you keep yelling;

"Tag, you're it!"
"Tag - Tag you're it!"

Because I'm over here literally dying
And yet no one seems to be noticing my crying

They keep yelling;

"Tag, you're it!"
"Tag - Tag you're it!"

And so I wave my arms and scream out my lungs
And stare out in shock as they fill up with water chunks

Down, Down, I go again
Watch me drown, because I'm not your friend!
Drown, Drown, Here we go again
I feel my lungs filling up again

"Tag, you're it!"
"Tag - Tag, you're it!"

You pushed me down and now I can't get out
Oh look at what you've done to me
Why is nobody helping me?

"Tag, you're it!"
"Tag - Tag, you're it!"

No, I'm not it
I can't be it
You're probably it
Because now I'm gonna lose it

I didn't wanna die, I was too young to
Yet you watched me fly up into the heavens too so,
Watch Me Go, Oh Watch Me Go
My parents said; "I told you so!"

"Tag, you're it!"
"Tag - Tag, you're it!"

Poetry By Eclipse (Poetry Book One)Where stories live. Discover now