Chapter 1

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It was a cold and rainy Monday morning and the office building was buzzing with life. People were running all around like chickens without heads. Everyone was in a hurry. Some to get to their posts, some trying their best to look presentable, while others were busy arranging themselves and their paperwork. The topmost floor of the building was extra active as the heads of all departments were piling in the huge meeting room, waiting for their new boss who had just taken over the complete control of her family business and would be leading them all from now on.

They had heard rumors about her. About the former world-famous supermodel, now turned Chairman, or in this case Chairwoman, of The Knight Inc. Jessica Knight. They all knew about her, how she was a beauty with brains who single-handedly took their Diamond business to its highest peaks and had just signed a billion-dollar deal with one of the most famous business parties from Italy which would only result in more success for both sides. While they heard all great things about their new boss, they had also heard bad things. They all knew that Jessica Knight wasn't someone you could mess with. She was a great leader, undoubtedly, but she was a strict one as well. There was no place for mistakes in Jessica Knight's life.

Where on one end, one of the city's many skyscrapers was buzzing with fear and excitement, so was the city of New York with life below them. People of all colors, shapes, sizes, and genders or gender neutrals were scattered across the streets. Some of them going to work, some going to school, some out just for the sake of having a decent breakfast and some just enjoying a cold rainy morning in the gigantic city. Everyone had their own goals for the day. Some people had dreams to fulfill while others had impending deadlines. Everyone was alive and kicking.

Cameron Jackson was waiting with several guards and office personals on the main entrance of the huge building to welcome her best friend and their company's new chairwoman, Jessica Knight with flowers. Cameron had been best friends with her since high school times, back when she identified as a he and as much as everyone around her was nervous to see her, she was excited to be back with her best friend. She knew all about Jessica and could understand why everyone was feeling on the edge but she was sure she could handle her best friend. Unfortunately for her, she was wrong.

A black limousine accompanied by four SUVs entered the building's gate and everyone fixed their ties, dresses, and skirts. When the cars were parked, one by one bodyguards piled out of the SUVs and took their positions. One of them walked to the limousine and opened the door. Cameron walked a few steps ahead while all others followed her. The first thing that anyone saw was the red stilettos that were accompanied by a pair of sexy legs, the next thing to come into the view was a black dress that hugged it's owner's body as if a second skin, then came a very expensive and limited edition Versace handbag held by beautiful hand with a huge diamond ring on it, next they all focused on the platinum wavy locks and soon they all were looking at the majestic presence of Jessica Knight herself. As soon as she removed her glasses, everyone's eyes were fixed on the violet orbs that were famous all around the world. A high pitched squeal was heard before Jessica was engulfed in a tight embrace.

"Oh my God! I can't believe you're here" Cameron shrieked and soon started sobbing while Jessica patted her back gently. All her bodyguards were already given the details about all her staff so no one took any action.

"It's good to see you too Cam," Jessica said softly and Cameron moved back to look at her best friend. She hadn't changed at all, except for her eyes, they weren't the same as they were before. As she observed her so did Jessica. Cameron was as stunning now as she was handsome before. Jessica was really proud of her friend and was the one who helped her throughout the transition and the surgeries.

"I can't believe you're here," Cameron mumbled softly while Jessica smiled at her. She was about to speak again when her eyes landed on her staff and she straightened her back and nodded towards them professionally.

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