Chapter 2

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Jessica and Cameron were ready for the party and walked downstairs after complimenting each other several times. Cameron was really happy to see her best friend laughing and smiling genuinely but it all turned to dust as soon as her eyes landed on the man sitting on the couch in the living room. Apparently, he had been waiting for them both. Cameron had always disliked Aiden. He was the typical high school Quarterback who was also a bully. He had been a walking nightmare for so many kids including her. When she wasn't herself, when she was still in a male body, she dressed feminine and Aiden along with his pathetic jock friends would pick on her and all other kids. Jessica used to be one of them too, the bullies, in fact, she was the worst but it all changed when she met her.

"Hey, Babe. You look ravishing." Aiden said standing up from his seat and tried to hug Jessica but she stepped back and he frowned. Aiden was fully aware of her dislike for him but he didn't care. His eyes then landed on Cameron who was trying to kill him from her glare. "Who is this beauty?" He asked grinning like a creep while checking Cameron out who only scoffed at him, folding her arms across her chest.

"Hello, Aiden. So not good to see you again." She spat with a fake sweet smile. Aiden frowned at her acknowledging her hostility and turned to Jessica confused. Jessica sighed at their interaction and knew that the evening wasn't gonna be any different.

"Aiden, this is my best friend Cameron. You must remember her from high school." Jessica said, putting extra weight on the word 'best friend' trying to warn him to be nice but being the idiot he was he didn't get the hint.

"Bloody Hell! I didn't recognize you for a moment there. Where did all these curves come from, skinny boy?" He said, calling her by the old pet name he used to bully her with, grinning widely and Cameron shuddered in disgust while Jessica just shook her head. She was used to him acting like that.

"Yeah, no thanks. I'm out. Let's go, Jessi." Cameron said creeped out by him and dragged her best friend along. Aiden followed them both calling their names but the girls paid him no mind and walked ahead giggling.

When they reached the lobby of their building Jessica's bodyguards accompanied her to her ride. Aiden huffed when he got inside the limousine and tried to sit next to Jessica but Cameron glared at him making him stop from doing so. Jessica gave the driver the signal to leave and they left for the party. It took them half an hour to reach the venue and when they did the paparazzi went crazy. Everyone was trying to get a shot of Jessica who sighed heavily while looking out of the window. She always hated this part of her job. Cameron gave her hand a gentle squeeze and Jessica gave her a grateful smile before nodding at Aiden who was waiting for her signal to go out.

Aiden got out first and flashed his charming smile towards the cameras which made several girls swoon and scream his name. He was also a model and he had done some acting gigs so you could say he was famous but not as much as his fiance. He then turned towards Jessica and lend his hand for her to take which she did gracefully and as soon as she was out she heard her name being called from all around her. Her fans were screaming, trying to get her attention and Jessica smiled politely towards them all as well as the cameras. Jessica and Aiden were then stopped by one of the press members who started interviewing them while Cameron took a deep breath before leaving the safety of her ride but before she could do that, a hand was offered to her and she looked up to see none other than her beloved partner, Leo.

"Hey, beautiful," Leo said showing their charming smile and Cameron swooned at them. She put her hand in theirs, giving them a grateful smile before getting out of the car.

"Hey. Thanks for coming to my rescue," She breathed laughing nervously and Leo smiled lovingly at her. They put their arm around her and brought her closer to their body before giving her a gentle peck on her cheek. When they moved back they chuckled watching Cameron blush adorably.

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