Chapter 5

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The Masquerade Ball


Everything was settled and ready in the main house at the Roman Estate as guests started to arrive one by one. Enzo was continuously talking into his earpiece, making sure that everything was in order and the media people were doing their job properly. Avery was at the reception, welcoming the guests as they all looked around in awe of the gigantic house, admiring its regal architecture. It didn't take long before the house was filled with guests from all over the world as well as the country. Famous celebrities, politicians and businessmen and women were talking among themselves in their expensive suits, tux, and dresses as waiters served them all with glasses of champagne and delights. While they all mingled amongst themselves, they all couldn't help but be anxious to meet the famous heir to the Roman throne and the Roman siblings. Most of them didn't even know the gender of the heir.

Victoria had been texting her friends, trying to make sure none of them was late as her arrival was going to be announced in half an hour and she wanted them all to be there. She was almost sure that Lexi would be keeping Hope in bed and that they would be late. She groaned when both of them were not replying to and texted her sister in law Dee to bring them all soon. When she was ready she walked to the huge staircase from which she would walk down after the host announces her arrival and due to some unworldly reason, she felt nervous. Alexander came to stand beside her then and put a hand on her shoulder to calm her nerves and she smiled at her father lovingly. A few guards came to stand behind them and Victoria looked at her father in question to which he only gave her a nod. She was about to ask about her sister when she heard the voice of the host announcing their arrival and she took a deep breath, preparing herself.

Sammy and Amber had just reached the Roman estate and it didn't surprise them to find a great number of paparazzi outside their huge gates trying to get a glimpse of the guests and any news that they could gossip about for the next few days. Their driver showed the invitation to the guards standing outside and they opened the gates after a while. Sammy sighed heavily as their car started moving again and Amber held her hand in hers in a comforting manner. Sammy wasn't feeling very good and wanted nothing more than to just run away from here but she knew that her wife and Victoria were good friends and she didn't want to ruin it for her so she kept quiet.

When their car stopped, Amber handed Sammy her mask and she wore it smiling at her wife. Sammy took a deep breath before getting outside of their ride and walked to her wife, offered her hand which she took with a bright smile on her face and Sammy helped her out of the car as well. When Amber was standing beside her, Sammy took a moment to look at her wife and couldn't help but feel proud to be standing by her side. Amber knew Sammy was watching her and her cheeks warmed at her loving gaze but she didn't stop her. She loved having her eyes on her. Sammy was about to admire her wife when someone caught her attention and she chuckled.

"Hey, guys. You all look stunning tonight" Sammy said smiling at her friends as she and Amber walked towards them. Hope smiled back, walked to Amber and hugged her tightly.

"Hey. I missed you guys so much." Hope said hugging Sammy and they both chuckled at her. Sammy looked at Lexi who was looking like a kid who just got scolded by her parents and laughed at her.

"What happened to this one?" Sammy asked in an amused tone as Lexi glared at her while Hope rolled her eyes. Dee and Victor shook their heads at their childish behavior making Sammy and Amber laugh.

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