Chapter 6

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Have you ever been unconditionally, completely, madly, utterly and irrevocably in love with someone? If yes, then you must know that when we are so in love with another person, losing them is something that we don't ever want to think about. We keep them in our lives, we try our best to see them on daily basis, most of us live together with our loved ones, we love to hear their beautiful laugh, we live for the bright smiles on their gorgeous faces, their pain is ours, no happiness is ever really complete until shared with them, their happiness becomes more important, we want what's best for them, we try and protect them from all and every bad thing that has ever existed, sometimes we even hurt them for stupid things or fight on useless topics but at the end of the day, love always wins.

Can you imagine loving someone so deeply that it consumes you from inside out, not the toxic kind of love, no, it's the kind of love that makes you fall in love with yourself and gives you a new reason to be alive and happy every day, can you imagine that? Yes? then can you now imagine losing that person in a way that you can never get them back? I know its harsh, its hurtful to even think about it or maybe it brings past memories that you would want to forget but it had to be said for you to understand how Jessica had been feeling every single day for the past four years of her life.

Jessica was feeling the same pain that she had been for the past four years but today, as she sat alone in the silence of her bedroom, watching out of the huge window that overlooked the bizarrely beautiful city of New York, the pain in her chest and her whole being told a different story. It wasn't less, no, it was worse than it was before or maybe she felt like that. It had been a week now since she went to the Ball that the famous Roman family had held at their estate with her friends and it has been a week now since her talk with Lexi, Max, and Hope, but for Jessica, it felt like it was just a moments ago when she had received the news which had turned her world upside down.

"What's going on Lexi? Why are we here?" Jessica asked Lexi, her voice reflecting the dread that her face showed and her heart drummed wildly against her chest. She knew, deep down she knew why they were there, away from everyone, in a silent room but she wanted to hear it from her friends themselves.

"You should sit down Jessica," Max said softly, her eyes showing concern for her friend and when she failed to comply, Hope helped her. When they were both seated, Max turned to Lexi and nodded softly. Lexi sighed heavily before starting.

"Jessica, the people that were working on Jordyn's case have just sent their reports back. We have them." Lexi told her in a gentle voice as she looked at Jessica with worried eyes. At her words, Jessica had started to shake where she sat and Hope held her tighter.

"Tell me. Please." Jessica pleaded in a breaking voice and they all heard her pain. Lexi brought a chair closer to where she and her wife was sitting and Max did the same before Lexi handed Jessica her cellphone that contained all that she had asked for. Jessica took the phone with trembling hands and almost dropped it after the first sentence but Max quickly took control of the situation and helped her.

"You were right. She is alive." Lexi said softly, watching her friend worriedly who was frozen in her seat but she knew she couldn't stop now. Max nodded at her to continue and she did as asked.

"They found Jordyn three and a half years ago. She was in pretty bad shape and according to the few medical reports we could find, she was in a coma for the next two months after they found her. She was kept in the hospital for the next few months after that and then they released her like every other veteran. She was MIA for the next two months, no one knows where she went, but then she showed up on the radar again when she started using the funds she got from her service. She has been to different states in the last two years and she has just moved to New York six months ago and is still here. I don't know if I should say I'm glad or that I'm afraid but the person you saw that night, at that party, I think it was her. Jordyn." Lexi finished and sighed heavily. They all stayed silent, watching Jessica who was staring intently at the picture of the girl she loved on the phone of her friend. Max decided to speak again.

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