Chapter 3

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6 years ago...

Highschool. It's a dream come true for some people while for others, it's their worst nightmare come alive. Out of hundreds of thousands of people who loved and hated high school, was Jessica Knight. Public Highschools are something for sure but private high schools can be worse. Or it was so in Jessica's case, not that she had ever been to a public school. In fact, she had been living in London with her parents for the past 7 years but she came back to the USA, where she was born, after her only other sibling's untimely death.

Arthur Knight was the only other sibling that Jessica had and he was her knight in the shining armor. Arthur was the best brother one could ever ask for. Losing him almost destroyed her and the fact that he took his own life made it even worse. The Knights did everything they could to cover up the real reason for their son's death and when they noticed Jessica's condition they decided to send her away, which was one of the best things they could have done for her at the moment. So, Jessica moved to America with her nanny who had been with her since she was a kid. It wasn't hard for Jessica to settle down as her childhood best friend Amber was there to help her throughout the process.

Jessica had joined one of the most prestigious private schools in the state and it didn't come as a surprise that people knew her already. Jessica had had her first photoshoot before she could even walk, thanks to her mother who was still doing modeling gigs at that time. Monica Knight was a world-famous model, she was absolutely gorgeous and had the same violet eyes which made her beauty all the more appealing. Since the world heard about Margaret's daughter, who had the same eyes as her mother, everyone wanted to work with her. It was rare for a child to have such a unique eye color and Jessica was soon a most wanted child artist. Her mother relished in the fact that she was so in demand already, so she made her go through strict diets and routines since her early years. It wasn't long before Jessica was modeling for some of the biggest and most renowned brands in the world.

Jessica's life was filled with stardom, riches, parties, popularity, and whatnot but deep inside she hated it all. She was never given a chance to live her life, she never had a normal childhood, she was never allowed to eat junk food like other kids her age did, she was never allowed to freely roam the cites she went to, she was never allowed to do anything that could possibly 'humiliate' her mother or ruin their family name, in short, she was never allowed to live her life. All her life she had been forced to do whatever her mother decided was best for her and she had no choice but to do as she wanted. Sometimes, Jessica felt like she wasn't even living. It was like her mother was living her life for her. She hated it to no ends.

Arthur was different. He was the rebel of the family. From his early teen years, he had stopped doing what his parents wanted him to. He would always do as he wanted and he hated that his kid sister was forced to do things that she didn't want to. There were nights when Arthur would sneak into Jessica's room with a tub of chocolate chip ice cream and they would eat it together watching movies and laughing like the kids they were. They were born three years apart but their bond was stronger than any other they knew. Arthur could tell what Jessica was feeling by just looking at her and it was the same for Jessica. They were inseparable.

Arthur was 17 years old when he first started acting different and distant. Jessica tried her best to talk to him but he would always dodge her questions. Jessica heard him sobbing most of the nights but whenever she asked him what was wrong, he would never give her any serious answers. Jessica noticed how he had started wearing baggy clothes and had dark circles around his eyes which made her worried sick but she could never get him to open up. Then came the time that she would not see him from days to weeks. Jessica tried her best to get a hold of him but it was really hard considering that she was always busy with her career and school.

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