Chapter Two

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A/N: I realised the title might not make much sense right now. But honestly, it will soon, don't worry :)


Matt got presents, of course - an old version of Mario from me. I didn't know or care what type of game it was, just that Matt's whole face lit up like a Christmas tree when I handed it to him. I doubt I'll ever see it again. It'll probably be dumped under his pillow to be played late at night when I'm trying to sleep. Fuck, I can hear the beeps already. The fourth, Sandra, got him a Gameboy handheld thingy. He loved it too. Oliver, this weedy boy much lower than us, got him some kind of decals for his games.

And Near? Why, Near got him fuck all. "I did not realise it was custom to give gifts," he said. I wish I could say there was some kind of regret in his voice at missing this, but nope! He didn't give two flying fucks. Or even one. I really wanted to punch the sheep then, but it was Matt's day and he would have glared at me. Don't want to make Matt angry. Well, not without a good reason, anyway. But in the interests of keeping Matt happy - at least for now - I refrained from punching Near in his smug little face. Matt just shrugged it off and went "Hey, it's all good. Maybe you could lend me one of your toys at some point." Near just nodded slightly and blinked those huge eyes at him. Makes me sick.

Matt challenged us all to Mario Kart and won. Resoundingly. I don't want to talk about it. But hell, he deserves his victories. He doesn't get enough, not really. Not with being third, anyway. He's stuck behind two geniuses and he doesn't care. I can't stop caring about being stuck behind one.

Well, Matt thought it was a fucking brilliant idea to play Truth or Dare.

He was fucking wrong. It was the worst idea in the entire history of bad ideas.

Hell, at least I learnt a few interesting blackmail-worthy items through that game.

1. Matt can go for an hour without touching a video game, despite what he might say to the contrary.

2. Near is not a virgin. He didn't say anything more about it, even with prodding from Oliver and Sandra. Hmm.

3. Oliver will kiss anyone (namely, Sandra) and treat it like nothing. Same with her.

4. Near is clastrophobic. Severely. I didn't think that that fucking sheep had any weaknesses. Very interesting...

4. Matt will never turn down a dare. Neither will I.

5. Kissing Matt is kinda nice. But if you tell anyone, I will rip your fucking tongue off and stick it up your arse.

And then that dick Matt had his turn. And he went straight for Near. "Near, seeing as we're on the subject of kissing, how about..." He looked around on the pretence of searching for someone. But that dick, he looked straight at me and just grinned. "You kiss Mello, Near. For a minute." There was something in his eyes, though. I could read him like an open book. What the fuck was he planning?


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