Chapter One

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A/N: Hello! I hope you like this story/drabble/thing. I know MelloxNear isn't the most popular pairing, but it's my baby. Enjoy! If you like, there is a handy review button. Seriously, it helps me.


How the hell do I get into these situations? With Near, of all people? I mean, Matt I could understand, being that I did this just a few minutes ago with him. But Near? The sheep?

"I hope Mello realises that this is not intended for either of our pleasure," the sheep said.

I sighed. "Whatever. Let's just get this the fuck done with."

So. It was Matt's birthday party, and the dumbass thought it was a fucking fantastic idea to invite Near. I threatened to take his games away for a week, but the little shit was resolved to torture me. "It'll be a good experience for him," he protested. Good experience his arse! It's pure torture for us, that's what it is!

But little Near had turned up in our doorway, three days before the Big Day, and said, in the bullshit montone of his, "I accept the invitation to your party, Matt," and turned and shuffled out. I mean, not even thanking him for the honour? Jeez.

The party rolled around, and Matt wouldn't even back down on the invitation. I was starting to get a sneaking suspicion he liked the sheep. God, please give me brain bleach. And please give me the patience to deal with those two little fuckwits.

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