Chapter Eight

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A/N: ...more people have viewed chapter two than chapter one.

After this chapter we get into the part of the story I'm not so sure about. I'm not sure if I've taken it the way I should, but... I'll seeeee how it goes!

Hope you guys like it!


By the time we came back from dinner, Oliver and Sandra had found out from Matt the news of us. Whatever we were. The entire fucking House would know all about us by breakfast. Not that I minded altogether, but I would've preferred for people to find out on our terms. Matt and I slipped into our shared room, shutting off the rest of the house with a bang. He went straight for his damn game console thing, and I went for my books. I hadn’t done well with my classes for the day, having been too distracted by Matt’s birthday and the resulting events.

The door creaked open, and I hid the chocolate I’d been idly snacking on under my pillow. Roger stood there. “Knock first!” I yelled, throwing a pen at him. It wasn’t a serious throw, and Roger didn’t even bother dodging.

“Mello,” he growled. “A little more respect!” Changing the subject (because I fucking wouldn’t), Roger asked, his voice serious - “One of you come with me.” Matt and I shared a glance. We hadn’t done anything serious for the past day or two. Had he found out about us already?

“I’ll go,” Matt said, turning off his game. His hand brushed against my shoulder as he walked past to  the door. He was sweating.

I grabbed his trailing hand. “Matt? Relax,” I whispered. “Everything’s fine.”

My hand lingered in his for a second before he was almost pulled away by Roger. “Hurry up!” he barked.

The door clicked shut behind him and I was left alone with my books and thoughts. Thoughts were annoying. I half wished I could shoot them out of my fucking head, sometimes.

Study was hideously boring, as usual. My thoughts drifted from chocolate to addictions to Matt’s addictions to Matt’s video games to Matt to what we had. It had been almost a natural progression, from best friends to… what even were we? Not lovers, although I was guessing Matt wouldn’t mind that. Decidedly not friends with benefits. ‘Boyfriends’ sounded too weird. I assumed we were just Matt and Mello. Or Mello and Matt. Just like we’d always been, just more than we’d always been.

It was a fucking weird concept.

I’d been thinking over what to say for a while, knowing that I’d been feeling more than I probably should for Matt, but not knowing what to say or when or where to say it. Whammy’s House didn’t encourage feeling at all, let alone friendships, which were barely tolerated and referred to as ‘alliances’. Dalliances such as relationships had never come up. Sure, there were a couple of lovers and courtships and relationships at the lower ranking numbers, but never this high up. I assumed we’d be tolerated, seeing as neither of us were number one. If they didn’t tolerate us, I’d fucking punch Roger’s teeth in.

But what would happen if I did surpass the sheep? Would Matt be sent away?

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