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Chapter 27:  Explinations

I woke up with a massive headache and the light shining through the curtans was too bright for me. I slowly sat up groaning.

Today was a very sad day, because it was the day we go back home.  Me and Robert both get kind of depressed because it is back to school. And i know we've only been away for the weekend, it still was like a mini vacation.

I slowly made my way out of my bed and changed into sweatpants and a crop top since we are just driving home today and i want to be comfy.

When i was done with my normal morning rutene I made my way to the kitchen. Surprisingly when I got to the kitchen, nobody was there. I wonder where they are?

I walked into Roberts room and saw that he was still fast asleep. Then I went to my parents room and they were also asleep. How did this happen? I'm usually the one that Is up last.

What time is it? I looked at the clock and saw that it was half past 7! That's so early!!! I mentally got disappointed in myself for standing up so early, especially the day after a party!

I decided to go for a run since I won't be able to fall asleep again. I quickly changed in my running clothes and tied my brown locks into a pony.

I stepped outside on the beach, warmed up and started to run. I needed to refresh my mind and just take a break from all my problems.

Speaking of problems. I wonder who the guy in the shadow was? I'll just ask Robert later on today. And when I get back to school I still need to figure out some things.

Wait! You're not supposed to think about your problems right now! I mentally slapped myself.

I wonder how Ryder's doing. I haven't spoken to him in a whi-

I was snapped out of my thoughts when something bumped into me.

"Sorry I didn't mea-" I stopped talking when u looked up at the person. It was the one and only Tyler.

Tyler looked up at me and his face turned into a smile. "Why hello there Emily" he said playfully. I rolled my eyes smiling.

"Hey" I quickly said.

"Yesterday night was fun!" He said.

"Jah it was" I wasn't lying, yesterday night was really fun.

"But we're leaving today" I said chuckling.

"So I've heard" he said chuckling too.

"Jah but I have to go now. Bye!" I said waving at him and jogging back home, but after a few seconds something grabbed my wrist, turned me around and gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Tyler- can't breath" I slowly said. He released me and said goodbye while walking back to where I assume his home.

After Tyler disappeared around the corner I decided that I should get back home too.

I quickly ran back to the beach house and saw my family getting their bags and putting them in the car. I quickly got my bag and put it in the trunk.

"Hey Emily! Where were you?" My brother asked me.

"I went for a jog"

"This early in the morning?" Robert looked surprised.

I laughed. "Jah"

"Well that's a first" he muttered under his breath.

We all got in the car and started to drive home.  Me and Robert didn't say much on the way home. It was quite boring.

When we got home I was so glad to climb out of the car. I was tired of sitting.

I got out of the car and took my bag and went into the house.

I took a long shower to get the sweat of my body from the morning run. When i stepped out of the bathroom I saw Robert sitting on my bead with a paper in his hands. When i got closer I realised what he was holding. Shit!

Robert looked up at me looking like there is fire come get out of his ears.

"Emily!" Robert said through gritted tether slowly standing up.

He held the paper in my face. "What the fuck is this and when we're you going to tell me about this?!" He shouted.

He found the note that Luke left me the day he threw our windows out.

"Um I umm" I scratched the back of my neck.

"Spill!! Why did Luke write this message to you!" He shouted.

I sighted. "I'm sorry"

"When did you get this!?" He asked.

I took a deep breath. "Well you know that day someone threw a brick in out windows.  Well it wasn't just the brick. This note was also attached to it and I didn't want to tell you otherwise you would have been stressed out and everything." I said as fast as I could.

Robert didn't look nearly to happy. When i looked up his face softened and he pulled me into a hug.

"Please tell me next time when you find something or someone." He said rubbing my back.

I nodded "I will"

He let me go and walked out of the room.  Then a thought hit me.

"Hey Robert"

He turned around and looked at me. "Jah?"

"Who was standing there when you called me after the dance off? I never say who stood there"

He looked confused at first but then snapped his fingers. "O Jah!  It was Dannon"

Dannon? But he didn't even tell me he was going to the beach or in vacation for that matter.  That's weird. Why didn't he just come greet me?

I looked up at Robert. "Thanks"

Then another thought hit me.

"Hey how do you know about Lu-" I stopped because Robert was long gone out of my room.

How did he know about Luke? Does he know him and doesnt want to tell me?

Jay more drama for me!

Note the sarcasm..


Hey guys! I'm back and will be doing a lot of updates!

I'm sorry this chapter was a filter but there is so much more to come and trust me you will understand what's going on soon!

Please VOTE and Comment!!

Love ya!! :D

Bashful EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now