Chapter 8

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Levana's P.O.V

Was I on someone's lap? I started to move a little and felt that the person that I was on top started to move also? I opened my eyes to find Niall, also asleep but woke up because of m moving on his lap.

"Wa, oh wolfy, are you okay?" He said in his sleepy voice, I might add was sexy as hell.

"Sorry for waking you up, just wanted to know if we're home yet?"

"Oh no I-we forgot to tell you um..." He stayed quiet, then continued, "We're in a plane going to England, to your new home" he finished.

"WHAT? Why didnt you tell me? How? When?" I said shocked.

"I'm sorry baby but we forgot I guess and then you fell asleep and we didnt want to wake you up, sorry wolfy" He said again with sad eyes, for some reason my wolf started to whimper loud, and because of that I started to whimper in for real, "Baby why are you whimpering?" Niall asked me giving a weird face, I blushed because he called me baby, and because he just heard me whimper.

"Niall can i tell you something? Something that might make you and the lads want to give me back to the orphanage?" I asked him he just went wide eyed.

"Levana Marie Malik, dont you ever think I will want to give you away, even though I dont know you well I still love you with all my heart and I will always be with you no matter what" He said to me calling me by my new full name then he continued, "But sure you can tell me anything and if its a secret, then your secret is safe with me"

"Okay um...I like chocolate" I said but he just looked at me like 'wtf why would I not want you just because of that?'

"Tell me the truth please I'll never tell" He said now looking deep in my eyes, and my wolf started to howl, I need to tell him I feel like I can trust him with anything.

"Fine" I signed "um...well I'm not normal, like you and the lads" I stopped but he cut me off.

"Oh levana we're not normal at all either thats cool with us"

"Well yeah Niall but I'm more than abnormal..."

"What do you mean Levana?" He asked.

"You wanna know why Aisha called me wolfy?" He just nodded "well Niall I'mawolfandmyparentswerewolfstoo" I said really really fast and like he's a normal human he didnt understood what I said.

"What now, I did not understand that"

"I said I'm......a.....wolfandmyparentswerewolfstoo" once again he didnt understand it.

"Levana say it slow I don't understand"

"Uhhhgggggg stupid humans...Niall im a wolf and my parent were wolfs too" I said running my hand through my hair frustrated.

"Nah those thing don't exist" He said looking at me weird.

"Want me to prove it to you by ripping your face off" I said rudely because I dont like people saying stuff they dont even know if its true or not.

"Um no, but can you prove it doing something else, c'mon Levana you got to understand me, I dont see people everyday telling me that theyre wolfs its not common" He said scared then laughing at the end, oh well you want me to prove then I'll prove it.

"Come, lets go to the restroom and I'll prove it to you" I said I know what I'm going to do and we'll have to be in the restroom since he's going to pee his pants, we were still in the plane but he said we werent getting of until 2-5 more hours and everybody was asleep.

"Umm.....okay?" He said a little confused, we went to the restroom and I locked the door, he looked scared but I still continued to walk towards him slowly, and for a plane, the restroom were pretty big, psh rich people.

"Why are the restrooms so big Niall?" I asked.

"Um well cause we're in first class, why? And how are you going to prove to me in here?" He said with big wide eyes letting me know that he was scared, and like I said, psh rich people.

"Well because, I'm going to transform into a guess what Ni?...yeah a werewolf" I said before scaring the crap out of him.


Well hello there guys I've been trying to edit this story as fast as I can, but I've been pretty busy, but now I'm in Christmas break so I will have more time I'll try and finish it by the end of the week, I will be editing the whole story, but I might be changing some of the chapters completely or I might just rewrite it so it can be somewhat better, I really hope that you like this chapter, and I will be editing fast, so I can go back and continue my other story.

If you would like and go read my other story it is called:

Not What I Wanted

It is also a One Direction story, I hope you like that one as much as this one.

Thanks for all the reads and favorites.

Thank you.

I'll try and make the chapters a bit longer, if you have any ideas, for future editing chapters, I'll will try to add the ideas if they are appropriate, and similar to what I already have in the chapter.

This little message will be repeated all through the story and maybe I'll add something here and there to keep you updated, also if you'd like me to write a second part to this let me know and I'll try and do a sequel after finishing my other story.


Adopted by them???..... While being a werewolf!!!Where stories live. Discover now