NO, no you CANT!!!!

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Okay so um my carrots the picture in the side Mr. Lavender, is the other Mr. Fúte but he has makeup and everything so no one will recognize him and everything and for those who dont remember whos Mr. Fúte he is levanas birth father so yeah if he looks completely different is cause he has make up and wig and everything so no one witll recognize him, thats all ive got to tell you,
Bye my carrots have fun in the village


Cristtophers pov

Over the 2 past years i have lost contact with levana, or so she thought i live next door to her house, i know what a creeper but i couldnt stay away from my princess, my only daughter, i know i gave her away but i just couldn't take the pain, her mothers deaths just pulled me down, ive been living next to her for the past 2 years and i know everything about her since the first day i got to hold her in my arms 16 years ago, i know niall's her mate, zayns her dad, harry is zayns fiance and levanas 'papa' as i heard her call him, louis and liam are together and that theyre levanas brothers, i also know that aisha that girl from the orphanage is living with them also with her husband and her vampire daughter, who is one year old in human years but in vampire years shes 11, i know alex is lexys twin brother and melanies mate, what else oh yeah that levana is pregnant with nialls baby of course, and shes going to have twin girls, you may be asking yourself how i know everything with every little detail, well the answer to your question is that im 1st their neighbor, and 2nd i disguise my self, and they have seen me and im their 'friend' but i dont go over very often, but sometimes levana, comes to drink a cuppa, as they call it over here which in america is a cup of coffee, im 'Mr. Lavender', actually they all sometimes come and ask me for advice with their problems thats how i know most of them, today i was going to make myself notice as Mr. Fúte, i know that levana might hate me but i have to at least try for what i love and that is try to make my daughter to forgive me , i also know that what i did was wrong that leaving her wasent the answer but i just couldn't take it, right now im outside levanas door without a disguise, i step in front of the door just staring at it, i take a deep breath and after a minute I finally ring the doorbell,

"Hello?" Alex said answering the door, but of course without my 'Mr. Lavender' disguise he didn't recognize me as a know person

"Um hello im Mr. Fúte can i talk to levana?" I asked looking at the young man he was a wizard i knew that, and he also told me one day that he finished growing and that he was 19, but he was still younger that me by 6 years, like im a wolf i stopped growing when i was 25 so i looked pretty young also

"Umm who are you Sr.?" Niall came into view from behind alex

"Um im Mr. Fúte, levanas father, may i talk to her"

"No you may not, you dont belong in her life anymore" he answered rudely, I understood him, he was mad but he had no right to be this was a problem between me and levana not him

"Um im sorry niall but this is between me and my daughter, and that means no niall included" i said, noticing that alex was going up the stair with a worried expression

"NOT MY PROBLEM, NOT MY PROBLEM, OF COURSE ITS MY PROBLEM, AS LONG AS IT HAS TO DO WITH LEVANA ITS MY PROBLEM" he yelled in my face, and i sensed that he was firing himself up as i noticed his hands filling up with flames, i decided to use my power and use it to calm niall down once he was calm he spoke again "Look Mr. Fúte im sorry but i cant let you see levana, and i do have the right to get in this 1st of all im her mate, 2nd of all you havent been there for her for 2 years and-" thats when i got mad myself he wasent going to be telling me what i did wrong or not

"NO dont you dare tell me what i did wrong, you know nothing, your wife didnt die on a wolf fight cause you couldn't protect her, you didnt have to go psycho on your daughter for that reason, you didnt have to give you own daughter to an orphanage to protect her from yourself, you know nothing niall and i. Not going to accept you telling me what i did wrong, i know i didnt do good, and i know levana is mad at me and probably wont forgive me for what i did but you dont fucking understand" i yelled at him

"Look well you arent going to appear in my house with my family here and tell ME what to do you are not going inside my house, you are not going to see levana, you are not coming back in her live to fuck up everything, and im not just her 'little mate' im her husband, her mate, her everything, her best friend, her lover, so dont come back have a good night Mr. Fúte, just as niall finished and the flames began to form in his palms i saw levana come down the stairs but she didnt see me, she went straight to calm niall, i saw how he calmed instantly as her hand touched his shoulder, she kissed him and then turned around after sharing a few word with niall,

"YOU?" Yelled at me with many emotions anger, impression, confusion, happiness even, hatred just so many

"Hello levana" were the words that could scape my mouth, just then she did the unexpected...........

So i decided that im going to do more that 25 chapters so yeah and i also decided i am doing a sequel,

How did you carrots like the meeting of levana and her dad in Cristtophers point of view???

Comment what you peps think about my story so far, and thank you for reading

Bye, enjoy the unicorn village, you crazy carrots

Ohhh i almost forgot
hope your dreams come true this new 2015 year


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