Happy New Years

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Levanas pov

Its new years and im here in the hospital cause my dad made me so mad that caused me to go into labor, even though im just 7 moths into my pregnancy, we already picked names and they probably dont have a meaning like mine for example fúte means smart, but my babys names have a meaning for us, 1st they both have an 'N' in their name and they both have an 'L' in their name, 2nd one full name of a girl is irish and in our other girl is french, like Nessa Liffey are irish, and those are our first baby name, and then Laurie Nadine are french and our second baby name

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Horan im going to be helping you give birth to you baby twins, do you have any names in mind that you would like to name them?" The doctor came in and told you, preparing herself to write down the names in her clipboard

"Yes the first baby is going to be Nessa n-e-s-s-a Liffey l-i-f-f-e-y Horan Malik, and the second is going to be Laurie l-a-u-r-i-e Nadine n-a-d-i-n-e Horan Malik" i said feeling a contraction coming up "Ahhhhhhhhh, ugghhh it hurts" i said more of screamed

"Um okay beautiful names, can you please pick up your legs im going to check is youre ready" the doctor said

Niall was quite but i knew he was in panic and angry cause of my dad, when i turned around and saw him i went up to him and everyone was expencting me to hug him and forgive him, except those who know what he did to me, which are niall and the lads, but instead of hugging him I slapped him hard and shut the door in his face, after that i started yelling 'o hate you and if you come near me or my family i will fucking rip you balls off slowly and painfully and then your eyes, and in the end you fucking head, get out of my yard' i heard him howl, then said sorry and then left i got so angry and mad i started punching the wall but before my had could make contact with the wall for the second timen, i heard niall coming over to me and letting me now something i didnt expect until 3 more moths and that was that my water broke, yeah so im going to have premature babies, im really scared but i know everything is going to go good and ill finally have my own family, that consists of Niall, the love of my life, Nessa and Laurie, my two little peanuts, even me and niall are going to live next to my parents, brothers, and friends, im still exited about having my own house with my own family,

"Babe?" I heard niall ask, while snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yeah?" I asked back

"What are you thinking about?"

"Us, and the babies" I answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, he smiled and kissed me on the lips

"Okay so um Mr. and Mrs. Horan"i smiled at the name even though niall still hasent asked me to marry him, we decided that ill have his last name cause it sounds so perfect "how many contractions have you had?" She asked me with somewhat worry in her voice

"Like 3-ahhhhh owww" i screamed "i mean 4 with this one" i said once the pain went away "Why is there something wrong with my babies?" I asked a scared and worried expression on my face

"Um no nothing" she said more relaxed, but still had a little worried

"Then why are you so worried?" I asked getting slightly annoyed

"Well i dont know why i didnt notice anything before but......" She paused

"But what god dam it" i said raising my voice

"Well since i was your doctor when i did the ultrasounds and everything, i didnt notice that your baby girls are going to born in their wolf forms, and in a few hours, they'll transform into ther human selfs" she said i was shocked how did she know this? Supposedly she was a normal doctor, but now how does she know this things?

"What, how do you know that's possible?" Niall won me at the question

"Well cause im a wolf too" she said in a duh tone "i actually knew all along that youre a wolf also, but for now we need a to find a way you get out of here and go home" she said with a concerned look

"What? What about my babies?" I asked her putting a hand over my stomach

"Well im going to have to go to your house and deliver these little girls in your house, unless you want to everyone in the building to know about us, the wolfs" she said with a smile

"Of course not, am i going to have to deliver them in my wolf form?"

"Yeah cause theyre big little wolfs and they dont fit through your female part, unless you want me to do a c-section"

"No! Eww i dont want a ugly scar on me" I paused okay then what are we waiting for i need these peanuts out of me cause im hur-aaahhhhhhhhhh" i didnt get to finished cause a contraction got in the way, and i screamed "you see i need to get out of here" i said holding onto niall and sitting down in the edge of the bed, when i was about to get up niall got in the way and carried me bridal style and walked out of the room following the doctor

"Arent i heavy?" I asked breathing heavily as i got another contraction, oh god there getting more painful and closer

"Light as a feather" he smiled and putting me in the car seat, once we got to the house the door was already opened with all the family, the doctor explained everything to them when niall took me to out room, once i laid down i got another contraction, niall was holding my hand

"This is contraction number what?" He asked as he breathed at the same time as me in the same rhythm as me

"Um 6" once that said i got another one but stronger "argggghhhh 7" i said to him with a small smile once the pain was gone, then the doctor came

"Okay lev oce we get to contraction number 10 im going to want you to push as harest as you can for 10seconds counted by me, the harder you push the faster the babies are out, okay?" She said to me explaining what i had to do which i answered with a smile and a nod

10 minutes later al ready transformed

"Okay lev youre ready to push okay on 3......1...2...3...push" i pushed as harder as i could like she said and i felt like the baby was in between my wolf legs "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 okay take a breath she almost her um i thing one more push and shell be out then the next one will come okay" i nodded "okay 1...2...3 and push" i pushed again whimpering, and then i heard the most cutest little whimpers, the doctor got up and got my baby cleaned, she was half way done cleaning the little wolf but i started howling and whimpering "niall take Nessa and finish cleaning her up and put her in the incubator" she ordered, niall got up quickly got the cub and the doctor came over to me "push...now" she said i pushed harder that with the first one "1...2...3...4...5...woop" she said as i felt the baby come out "wow you pushed really hard didnt you, by that i laughed a wolfy laugh with got her laughing also while cleaning her up Nessa was already in the incubator but she was whimpering, once i transformed niall carried me to the bed, but instead of waiting for my babies to be passed to me i feel right into a slumber

Omg her babies are like me (premature) hahah yeah

But how did you blokes like it?

Hahaha im learning to speak Britain and also Irish so yeah some of my words are going to be in Britain, blokes mean bro

Well comment in how you liked it

Bye me bloky carrots


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