Chapter 7

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I stare at him for a few moments silent as thoughts swarm through my mind.
Is he really evil? Is he going to destroy all mankind? Is he just going to use me for experiments? Am I nothing but a worthless human to him?

"Ruby....?" Blaise asks nervously.

"Yeah...?" I ask, looking back into his slightly red eyes. As much as I blink, the red won't go away.

"Please, out of anything you might think, don't think I'm going to hurt you. I don't care if you hate me, although my heart would shatter. If you're image of me is now a monster, I hope it's one of those friendly monsters, like Casper. Soo... any comments? I hope they're positive ones." Blaise says, smiling slightly to try and lighten the mood.

I try to shake all the thoughts out of my head to I can speak. As of the moment, I can only think of three words, and I try to build off of that.

"I don't care. So what if you're a monster? Aren't most of us? I mean, there are killers, robbers, stalkers and so many more I wonder how so many people can live in this world. One of the reasons I can, is you. No matter how sad I am at the moment, you can lift me up in a second. You've done so many things for me, that I can't thank you enough. Obviously I have questions, because well, who wouldn't?" I try to organize all of the questions in my mind. Instead, of course, I have to come off sounding like an idiot. "Why do you look human if you're Hades son? Why do you go to high school? Why are you on Earth? Does he look like the Hades from the movie Hercules? (I had to guys I'm sorry) How hot is it really in hell? Does it hurt you when you get burned, not a joke but with fire? (Again, had to) How did he treat you? Did he teach you anything evil?' I start firing off questions like an idiotic madman.

Blaise raises his eyebrows to the questions I fired at him like a machine gun. Luckily, he has an amazing memory.

He took a deep breath. "I look human because my mother is half human, although very evil and deceiving. I go to high school because my dad can't take care of me, I'm on Earth for a mission from my dad, No he looks nothing like Hades from the movie." He answers chuckling. He takes another breath and continues. "Its pretty hot in Hell, but in the house we have an AC so it's okay, and no I'm not really affected by fire, he treated me fine, he was just usually out on "business". He tried to teach me some evil stuff but either I don't pay attention, don't bother to, or just dislike the lesson because it may have been too evil." He finishes answering my series of questions, catching his breath.

"Huh." I say thinking. I snap out of my daze when I hear Blaise. (Hey! it rhymes! What a coincidence!)

Blaise's laughter rings through my ears as he looks at me shaking his head.

"What?" I ask ,tilting my head. "What's so funny?" After a few moments, Blaise still not replying, I decide to step up my game. I grin to myself as I poke his cheek. "I SAID, WHAT'S SO FUNNY! HUH?"

Blaise wipes a tear rolling down his cheek (yes he was laughing that hard) and shakes his head. "After all those questions, all you have to say is "huh" I mean that's pretty funny if I do say so myself." Blaise says, waiting for my reaction.

I ponder about what he said for a moment, and catch myself starting to smile. I try to stop myself, but it's hard to stop the inevitable. I start to burst out laughing as I realize that he's right. It is pretty funny. Blaise joins, and we break out in laughter. A few minutes later, as our laughter dies down, I start packing away the picnic blanket and the basket. As I'm packing up, another question pops up in my mind. I ponder on ir for a minute or two to see it I can find an answer on my own. I quickly give up and let out a defeated sigh. Blaise notices and walks over.

"Everything okay?" He asks, noticing my furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah." I say with a nod. " Just trying to answer a question that I though of."

Blaise stretches his arms to their full length and smiles. "Fire away" He says, making the 'come at me' gesture.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I count to ten and slowly open my eyes, looking into his. "What was the mission your father sent you on?"

Blaise looks worried for a second before shaking it off. "Oh. It's nothing. Don't worry about it. Just some nonsense you wouldn't understand."

I raise one eyebrow in challenge. "Oh yeah? Try me." I grin triumphantly. I've got him now, he can never resist a challenge.

He sighs, grinning and shaking his head. "Man you're persuasive. Gotta give you that. Anyway, It's just some stupid mission that's probably not even true. He sent me on a mission to find the daughter of Zeus. Supposedly she's an angel too. I mean c'mon. How ridiculous is that?!" He laughs, like its the funniest thing on Earth.

Hearing this, my face goes pale and I try not to faint. Man now I really can't let him know now. I try to brush it off, and laugh with him. I really hope my laugh sounds convincing enough.

"That's ridiculous! I mean it's not like a daughter of Zeus would be on Earth in the first place. To top of of that, they're not a goddess, but an angel? That's freaking priceless! You're dad must really want to keep you busy." I say, pretending to laugh my head off. What have I gotten myself into now? Shoot! I can't even think about this at home because mom can read my mind! I've just dug a very deep hole, one that I can't even imagine that I'll ever get out.



Yay! I updated! I was motivated by some comments by well, everyone. So, this chapter has a mighty few dedications; @febi_snowsdrops123 @TheWorldIsYourCanvas and @silversnowleopard. These people are absolutely amazing and are so supporting with their comments. Anyway, I just wanted to thank these people, and you guys should definitely check out their accounts. So, I dropped another bombshell during this chapter (whoops). Did you expect that? Or was it completely out of the blue? I hope this chapter wasn't too short, but hopefully it will keep you full until the next update. Thank you all for reading, and commenting! Gotta love my ducklings <3

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