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"In the Beginning"

"Even though I heldyouas I imagined..."


Felix liked Changbin... for a while now actually. From the moment he first saw him, he was hooked. He fell fast and hard. It was around the time he first moved to Korea about 2 months ago.

He made friends with Jisung and Jisung introduced him to a bunch of others in his group of friends including Hyunjin and Seungmin who were the same age as them. Now they are all good friends but Felix and Jisung were best of friends.

He first saw Changbin walking through the hallways. His jet black hair and strong aura immediately caught his attention. Everything about him screams of dark. Clothes, eyes, the way he looks, even the way he caught Felix's gaze momentarily. It made Felix jump, realizing he had been caught staring, so he tore his eyes away from the dark guy. Still curious though, he tried looking back again and the dark-haired boy still was looking at him and thinking about it now, Felix didn't know if he was imagining it or they really did stare at each other for quite a few moments. Not like minutes but longer than is necessary. Felix tried smiling but the latter got called out by a friend, breaking off the trance they were in, at least Felix thought. His lips parted slightly as he watched the the dark guy talk with his friends. When he smiled, Felix bit his lips.

So he can smile...

Felix thought. He had such a beautiful smile.

"Earth to Felix" startled, Felix looked at Jisung who had one brow raised. "You coming or not?"

"Y-yeah, I'm coming, sorry." He smiled sheepishly at his waiting friend and he just shook his head.

"Then let's go, we'll be late for next class." said Jisung.

Felix took one last glance at the dark guy but he had already left, shame.

"What were you looking at back there? You looked hypnotized or something." Jisung commented and Felix wanted so badly to ask who the dark guy was but decided to let it go.

"Nah I was just in deep thought."

Jisung peered at his friend, suspiciously but also decided to let it slide. "If you say so."

Felix was in a daze the whole afternoon. He couldn't seem to keep the dark guy off his mind so he got scolded by a teacher who called him to answer an easy question but he was so out of it he asked the teacher if he could repeat the question. His classmates laughed at him for that.

"Dude you're so out of it." Seungmin remarked.

"He's been so out of it since lunch." Jisung added and Felix sighed.

What was wrong with him?

"Where's Hyunjin?" asked Jisung, to which Seungmin rolled his eyes.

"With his new boyfriend, of course." Jisung's eyes widen. "New? Again?"

Seungmin shrugged, "What do you expect?"

Right, Hyunjin was that type of person, always with someone new, never vacant, and has a lot of relationships simultaneously. How he even manages that is beyond them.

'You can't help it if you're that popular', Felix thought. Hyunjin is, after all, a freak of nature. With that soft brown hair, beautiful chinky eyes when he smiles, pink plump lips, the mole right under his left eye that made him even prettier, and the sweet innocent smile, tall even... no one can resist him. He's adorned by both girls and boys.

"By the way, have you thought about the club you want to join in?" Jisung asked Felix.

"Hmm, I was thinking of joining the dance club." replied Felix.

Seungmin and Jisung both looked at each other then back at Felix who gave them a confused look. "What?"

"You dance?" They asked in unison.

"Yeah, don't I look like it?" said Felix while checking himself out.

"No it's not that. Guess you haven't heard the rumors about them yet." Jisung said in a whisper.

"Oh please Jisung, that's why they're called rumors, they're nonsense." Seungmin retorted.

"And that nonsense is?" They both looked at Felix, contemplating whether to tell him or not but since he'll be going in this school and will find out sooner or later anyway, they decided to just tell him.

"See, members of the dance club are one of the most popular students in school, especially those in Minho's group. But, they don't really have a good reputation."

Then Jisung looked around as if to check if there are any DC members before continuing in a whispered tone. "The dance club is rumored to be a bunch of 'whores'. Guy and girl all the same. Well probably not all but you know, you'll get stereotyped as one, if you join that is."

Seungmin was right, it was a load of nonsense.

"That shouldn't be a problem. I mean, it's not even true, for me that is." said Felix.

"Well if you're okay with it then go, if that's what you really want. We don't have the right to stop you and we won't. If anyone says anything bad, just tell us, we got your back." Seungmin said to which Felix was touched. They haven't even been friends for that long yet and they were already this supportive.

"Thanks guys! You're the best!" Felix exclaimed.

"Sure, just unfortunate how we'll have more to deal with now." Seungmin complained.

"What do you mean?"

"Hyunjin is in the dance club you see." explained Jisung. "He's got issues."

Oh, so that's why there were such rumors. Not to mention his cousin is also there.

"Hey guys! What were you talking about just now?" Speaking of the devil. Hyunjin came with his so-called 'new boyfriend' and joined the three.

"This is Daewon by the way, my—"

"New boyfriend, we get it. And we know him." Seungmin cutted off earning a pout from Hyunjin.

"We were just talking about how Felix is joining the Dance Club. Congratulations, you got yourselves a new member."

Hyunjin gasped, eyes widening in delight as he looked at Felix before pulling him in for a hug which caught Felix off guard.



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