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"Like the fallen leaves under the tree,
Even if I eventually get stamped on in the snow..."


"Can we talk?"

Before Felix could so much as nod, the morning bells rang signalling the start of class.

"Guess I'll talk to you later." And Changbin turned to leave before Felix could even say something.

'But where are we supposed to talk?'

Felix thought but then shrugged it off, thinking he'll just find Changbin later. He then went to his own class and found that Jisung wasn't there.

'Now where's Jisung?'

Their morning classes ended but there were still no signs of Jisung. Felix decided to text him.

To Sungie:

Where are you?

But a reply never came. Felix bit on his nails. He didn't know what to think of first anymore. His bestfriend was nowhere to be found, and there's a tight knot in his stomach thinking about what his conversation with Changbin later would come to be.

He's feeling so anxious and he couldn't even tell anybody.


Felix snapped back to his consciousness and looked up to see Seungmin.

"Hey Seungmin..." he looked around, "Where's Hyunjin?" Not that he really wanted to see him at the moment.

Seungmin sighed. "Take a guess." Felix furrowed his eyebrows, confusion written over his pretty face.

"He has a new boyfriend."


"T-that fast?" Felix's eyes widen in disbelief. He finds it ridiculous how fast Hyunjin skips from one boy to another. It was as natural as changing clothes.

'And Changbin was one of those boys.'

His fists clenched beneath the table.

"Who changes boyfriends overnight?"

Seungmin rolled his eyes. "Tell me about it. Where's Jisung by the way?" At that, Felix's shoulders slumped.

"I don't know Minnie. He was gone since this morning."

Then Felix told Seungmin everything that had happened starting from the party to earlier's incident. Seungmin's fists clenched at his sides visibly as his eyes gleamed in annoyance.

"Are you sure Minho did that to Jisung?"

Felix shrugged. "Why would Jisung lie about that? He bawled his eyes out y'know?"

"Sure but he must have been drunk. And you know how Minho can be."

"So you don't believe him?" Felix accused making Seungmin's eyes almost pop out of their sockets. He gave Felix a look of disbelief.

"Geez Felix that's not what I meant! I'm just saying there are different parts to a story, so why don't you go ahead and ask your ass of a cousin and confirm it?"

Seungmin looked pissed and Felix felt so stupid for cornering Seungmin like that. He's just way out of his head.

"I'm sorry Minnie. Don't worry, I will go and confirm it with Minho."

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