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"Watch Me"

"In my arms only the emptiness remains..."


The next day, Felix saw the flyers that was posted all around campus about the dance auditions. First line of auditions will be held tomorrow afternoon. He stood there in front of the flyer for a few moments, remembering what Jisung told him.

"The dance club is rumored to be a bunch of 'whores'..."

"Guy and girl all the same..."

It replayed in his head. "It's not like it's real." He said to himself and finally write his name on the audition's list.

"So you really are joining the dance huh?" Felix jumped in surprise.

"Jisung! Don't sneak up on me like that you're gonna give me a heart attack!" He said with hands against his chest.

"I wasn't sneaking." Jisung retorted, all innocent. Felix sighed.

Looking at Jisung, he remembered what happened yesterday...

"Why didn't you tell me he was your cousin?"

Felix's eyes widened. "You never asked!" Jisung looked flustered and embarrassed. "Besides I didn't think you like him and assume we had that kind of relationship, that's just..." Felix made a disgusted look.

"Yahh don't make me remember I'm still ebarrassed about it! And sorry okay?" Jisung said while covering his face with his hands, his ears turning red.

Felix just couldn't believe that Jisung liked Minho of all people. Sure, he's popular and quite the looker, but his cousin is not really the type to show affection. Minho doesn't have a single sweet bone in his body. Most who don't know him, often perceive him as scary. Most of all, he's a heartbreaker, and only ever been with girls.

"Just promise me one thing Felix..." said Jisung as he removed his hands from his face, tone and look serious, almost pleading.


"Don't ever tell him..."

"So it's final?" Felix snapped back from his reverie.

"If I'll pass, then yes, it's final."

"What makes you think you won't? You're Minho's cousin, it should run in the blood."

Felix shrugged. "I'm not as good as him."

That night, Felix thought about what music he should dance into then practiced. By the time of auditions, Felix felt confident lining up at the auditorium. He knew he had practiced enough and this wasn't exactly his first time dancing in front of people so he's kind of used to it already.

"Lee Felix Yongbok?"


"You're up" said one of the DC members, he presumed.

"Yongbok?" Jisung asked, confusion written on his face. Felix rolled his eyes.

"It's my korean name."

"Eh?" When it finally sinked in, Jisung started laughing, teasing Felix.

"Why didn't you say so, 'Yongbokie'? I didn't know you have a korean name. I thought we were bestfriends!" Jisung pouted, pretending to be hurt when obviously, he was just holding back his laughter.

"Well now you know. Tsk"

"Lee Felix?"


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