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"Use me"

"Then I realized, that my everything was towards you..."


Felix almost lost sight of the two but then he heard voices in the backyard. He followed the voices and there, behind the bushes, were Changbin and Hyunjin. Judging by their faces, they seemed to be arguing.

Felix walked closer, hiding on the other side of the bush, slowly making out their conversation. He knew it was bad to eavesdrop but he couldn't help it. He was curious.

"Oh for pete's sake Changbin, why are you acting this way?"

"Me? Why are you acting that way! Like some cheap slut."

Felix's eyes widen. He couldn't believe those words were coming out from Changbin's mouth. He was a sweet guy. He must've been very upset.

Hyunjin scoffed. "Well guess what, I 'AM' a slut. Stop acting like you still own me!"

'Still own?' Does that mean they were ex lovers? Felix thought, his heart clenching and growing heavy on his chest.

"Who owns you then? That fucktard who's only good for fucking giving you drinks?" It was Changbin's turn to scoff. "You were gonna replace me anyway you should've done it with a human, not with an ass-fucking-hole like that."

"I'll go out with who I want and you don't have a say in it. Besides, I was planning on replacing him anyway so thanks but no thanks for the advice."

Felix peeked through the small holes of the bushes and he saw that Hyunjin was about to leave but Changbin grabbed his wrist, stopping him.


Changbin looked at Hyunjin with pleading eyes. He looked so sad, so broken, so still not over Hyunjin and Felix didn't know why but it broke his heart more than it should. He hurt for Changbin, and it hurt more than it should.

"I miss you"

Felix shut his eyes. 'Please stop, Changbin.'

"Please tell me, I'm not the only one..."

Felix couldn't take it anymore and he ran away from there and back to the house. He bumped on some people but he didn't care. There were some who called him but he didn't care. He saw Minho still laughing boisterously with his friends but he didn't care. He saw him still giving an already drunk Jisung drinks but he didn't care... okay maybe he did. He immediately went for his friend.

"Jisung!" Jisung couldn't hear him apparently so when he reached his friend, he had him faced him by turning him and he was met with Jisung's dazed and unfocused eyes. He was beet red from his face down to his neck. Jisung smiled sheepishly at him.

"Hey *hik* Felix" Felix's blood boiled as he turned to Minho.

"What did you do to him? You know he can't handle his liquor! It's his first time!"

Minho laughed, raising his hands defensively. "I don't know what you're talking about cous! I mean, I didn't even know! Just gave him a couple of drinks and..." He gestured at Jisung, "...he turned to that mess." Minho's friends laughed along with him and Felix shoot glares their way.

He then turned to Jisung. "Come on Jisung, let's take you home—"

"NO!!" Felix was taken aback when Jisung pushed him lightly. "Hot!" Jisung whined, removing his bow tie.

"Jisung what are you—" Felix couldn't continue when Jisung started undoing his buttons. He tried to stop him but Jisung pushed him again making him land on his butt on the floor.

Elastic Heart (Changlix)Where stories live. Discover now