564 22 9

"Their Relationship"

"I thought I could reach if I kept chasing
I've never even doubted..."


The room was filled with gasps and heavy pants. Changbin hovered above Felix with his hands, on either sides of Felix's head, supporting his weight. His bare chest heaving up and down against Felix's and their faces so close to each other. They were practically breathing against each other, all sweaty and dazed just after their climax from their heated session.

Felix's blonde locks, wet with sweat, sticks to his forehead and face, and sprawled messily againts the pillow. He looks up at Changbin, who wasn't all that different from him, raven hair all wet with some strands sticking to his forehead, mouth slightly agape from breathing hard still. Eyebrows furrowed slightly and his eyes dark and intense, though he wasn't looking at him, Felix thought it was hot. Changbin is hot, and he reached up one hand to cup Changbin's cheek. Changbin distinctly stiffened and looked at the younger. Finally! Felix thought, after getting the older's attention and making him finally look his way. He smiled sweetly, reaching for the other cheek and brought himself up a little, slowly leaning in towards Changbin's face, staring visibly at his lips. He was obviously going for a kiss when Changbin pulled away, avoiding the kiss. His eyes, once again, were looking anywhere but Felix.

"You should go" he said coldly and Felix's face fell almost instantly, seemingly hurt. His beautiful smile faltered and the happiness he felt just moments ago, gone.

"Right" he managed, swallowing the lump that formed in his throat. It's a wonder how his voice didn't crack. His stomach suddenly feels like it was tied in knots.

What made him think he can kiss Changbin was beyond him. He was just too caught up in the moment that he forgot that they weren't a thing. There was nothing between them but plain physical. No feelings, no attachments, no commitment involved, just sex. And kissing was far too intimate for their relationship but, it was different for Felix. He liked Changbin so much he couldn't help it.

He slowly got up from the bed, Changbin scooting over to the edge. He picked up his clothes that scattered on the floor and got in them. Once finished, he looked at Changbin who was already in his boxers and is sitting at the edge of the bed. His eyes lingering on Changbin's toned body longer than he should before finally stopping at his face. He was startled to find the older staring at him so he looked away, cheeks heating up.

"S-see you tomorrow" Felix mentally slapped himself for stuttering. He was such an embarrassment. Changbin nodded curtly as a reply and as a signal for him to leave. Felix understood and awkwardly gestured towards the door of Changbin's room. "I-I should... uh..." he had trouble finding his words so he just made gestures with his hands and Changbin nodded again.

"Go" Changbin said.

"Okay" and Felix left, closing the door behind him. He leaned his head back against the door and sighed, exasperated. Why was he always so awkward around him? Of course he knew the answer to that.

It's becasue you like him you idiot.

He tells himself and sighed again before leaving Changbin's house.


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