𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 | 𝗮 𝗴𝗼𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝗿

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.・゜゜・——— YOUNG GOD !

                  ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE snap of a twig to make Regina realise that she wasn't alone by the lake

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            ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE snap of a twig to make Regina realise that she wasn't alone by the lake. She turned around and her eyes met another pair: sea green eyes.

        "How come you left?" Percy asked as he shuffled his feet through the sticks and mud towards Regina, placing his hoodie on the ground beside her, then sitting on top of it.

        "I felt out of place." She mumbled, drawing a picture of a sun in the mud with a stick, refusing to make eye contact with the boy beside her.

        "You'll get used to-" Percy began to say as he shuffled closer to the girl, their shoulders touching slightly, but he stopped his speech after seeing a tear fall down Regina's cheek, and immediately his expression softened, letting out a small sigh. He decided not to point out the fact that she was crying, because they both already knew she was, and that would only make Regina mad. So instead, his pale hand made its way over to hers, and slowly, he intertwined their fingers together, squeezing her hand in comfort.

        A small smile made its way onto Regina's lips, and she began to relax as she stared at the crystal water in front of her, watching it ripple and carry sticks and leaves down its stream. She watched as the light from the sun bounced off of it and spread light through the whole forest, making the leaves' dark color brighter.

        "I'm sorry." Percy mumbled, looking down at his knees.

        Regina furrowed her eyebrows, and finally looked at the boy beside her who was fiddling with the hem of his jeans with his free hand. "For what?"

        "Making you feel out of place. I should have-"

        "Dont sweat it, Jackson." Regina sniffed, crossing her legs to get in a more comfortable postion on the dirt. "I was bound to feel like this anyway. You're the only one who actually made me feel better."

        Percy let out a small chuckle, "Well I know how you feel. I felt like that when I first arrived, it's hard to get used to it, but trust me, we're like a family in here. You'll learn to love it."

"I'll take your word on it." Regina laughed, shaking her head. "So, about that labyrinth, you're gonna explore it?"

Percy let out a loud sigh, running a hand through his hair as he bunched his shoulders up in a shrug. "I have no idea. Grover hates the idea, but he sorta has to go or he'll get his searching licence taken away, and I just want to stop Luke from destroying this camp."


"A son of Hermes, and a traitor. He used to be close with us back when I first cane to camp, but he played us. He's trying to revive the Titan, Kronos so they'll be a war against him and the gods." Percy explained.

Regina raised her eyebrows, "a god war? What doesn't sound too good."

"No, it's shit." He mumbled, obviously frustrated about the whole situation. Noticing this, Regina then returned the comfort he gave her before and squeezed his hand, nudging him slightly with her shoulder.

"You've got this. Besides, you never know, you could find what you're looking for before Luke does." Regina said, kicking a rock into the river.

"That's optimistic." Percy scoffed. "Luke's got a whole army to defeat us. It isn't looking so good at the moment."

"For now, we've got time to figure this out." Regina reassured, looking at Percy as he raised his head to look at her, a smile appearing on both of their lips. "Be a little more optimistic, Jackson."

"Be a little bit more realistic, Reggie."

Regina frowned and let go of Percy's hand, crossing her arms over her chest as she huffed. "Never call me Reggie."


"Because I hate it."

"All the more reason to call you that."

"Fuck you, Jackson."

"Fuck you too, Reggie."

ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀs ɴᴏᴛᴇ

Sheesh, my writing for this book
just keeps getting WORSE I am
so sorry guys. I guess this
is a small filler? I'm trying to m
update this more result but I say
that all the time and get

I'm so excited to explore
Regina and Percy's relationship
more. Or rather, PERCINA

Also if you're interested
in writing some books,
or need a new oc, i
have written a new plot/oc shop
book! So go check it out :)

Also if you're interestedin writing some books, or need a new oc, ihave written a new plot/oc shopbook! So go check it out :)

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[1] 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐎𝐃 , 𝗉𝖾𝗋𝖼𝗒 𝗃𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now