Chapter 2

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I like the atmosphere at Mike's burgers. There is a lot of dark wood covering the floors and half the walls and every table and chair are of solid wood. The lamps over every table is industry style, steel in different shapes, giving the diner a cosy feeling. It's a popular place, especially for students I think since the age range in here is mostly around twenty.

And the diner is packed with people. Cat walk directly into the diner waving towards her friends who are sitting at a big table in the back of the room. There's about seven people sitting at the table as we arrive. As I scan the table I see that half of them are boys and the rest girls. They all have a glass in front of them, it looks like they are drinking beer.

"Hey Cat, who's your frieeend?" A blond, tan guy, sitting in the middle of the table, asks sleazily looking me up and down with a smirk. His hair is styled upwards and he pulls a hand through it as his guy friends chuckle. His white t-shirt is a little too tight against his obviously trained arms. I'm instantly queasy. This is the ultimate example of a douchebag in my opinion.

"This is Mel, my new roomie. Mel this is everyone." She says and wave her hand towards the table. I give a little wave to the group before we sit down at the end of the table.

"Oh is that so. Well hello Mel, welcome." He answers in a cheesy voice. I stop myself from rolling my eyes and just give him a small nod.

"Hey, I'm Megan." The girl sitting next to me says. She's a redheaded girl with big curls swirling down her face. She looks at me with a kind smile. The stone in her nose piercing glitter in the light from the light above us.

"Hi. Nice to meet you." I say and give her a smile back as I take the menu that Cat is holding out for me. "So what's good here?" I ask opening the menu.

"Mike's special" says the three people closest to me, making me look up at them and laugh.

"I guess I'll have that then." I put the menu down.

"Good choice. I'm Ryan." says the guy sitting beside Cat, one of the people who had answered me. His hair is light brown and really short. He has a little stubble on his chin.

"Hey!" I give him a smile too. He doesn't look at me with the same filthy eyes like the blond one had, which is better. The people on the other side of the table is in conversation with each other at this point. I see some more joining the table on the other side.

"So you're all coming to the party this weekend right?" Ryan ask us. Cat answer him instantly.

"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world." She smile big at him. "You'll join us right?" She asks me.

"Where's the party?" I ask, feeling a little hesitant.

"It's at our frat house." Ryan tell me.

"Oh, you're in a frat?"

"Yeah, Delta Phi down the road." He say nodding his head outside. I don't know north from west as I sit here in this restaurant so that doesn't tell me anything really.

"Okay." I nod like I get it. I think I need to study the map to figure out where everything is.

"You have to come, it's always awesome parties there. It will be so much fun. First party of the semester!" Cat sing as the waitress come over to take our orders.

"Okay, I'll come." I give in with a grin at Cat.

"Yay!" she exclaim, making me snicker. She seems like such a jolly person.

We tell our orders to the waitress.

"So what's your majors?" I ask Cat and Megan after a while, the others around the table is talking in small groups.

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