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It was noon when Arthur finally reached the town. He read the plastic sign over and over again, hoping the name would reawaken his dull brain. Glastonbury. It didn't ring any bells. He sighed and clanked his way onto the High Street. He walked past book shops, clothes shops and tea rooms with wonder and fear. His mind was spinning as bright lights and impossible words popped out at him. He had no idea where to go, being without Merlin meant that, although he wasn't stupid, was quite confused and lost. People stared at him, curious to why he was wearing a full suit of armour in broad daylight. The primary assumption of these people was he was an actor from the local tourist site that was King Arthur's grave, having participated in a reenactment. 

Arthur eventually found himself at a park. It was beautiful. A big lake with a weeping willow, its long branches dipping into the water. The unrelenting sun was beating down on him, making him sweat in his armour. He found a bench and sat down, trying to catch his breath, "Merlin, where are you?" he whispered. He stared out at the children in the play area and the couples picnicking on the grass. There was no obvious answer. There never was. Arthur hoped Merlin would just walk along but if he was thinking rationally, there might be a chance that he didn't even live in this town. Arthur thought that might be the worst thing. If Merlin still lived, then he could be 100 hundred miles away.

The shouting alerted him.

"When is anything going to change? Every day you are zonked out of your mind! Yes, zonked is a word I just made up and that is how I am describing you!"

A young blonde woman walked quickly past Arthur, her phone by her ear and a coffee in her hand. She threw him a strange look before continuing, switching the phone to her other ear, "Merlin, I can't deal with this. I thought you loved me. Last week was a blow. To find you were just stringing me along. You hurt my feelings. You hurt me. I hate you, I really do!"

Arthur's ears pricked up. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as the woman reached the gates and took a left. She said Merlin, didn't she? Definitely. Arthur stood slowly and clanked his way to the gates, noting the woman had only just reached the end of the road. He had to follow the lady. It was the only way he was going to get answers. He needed answers, even if this guy turned out to be a dead-end, someone with the same name. Arthur knew he had to start somewhere. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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