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Rory woke up in a hospital bed. It was dark outside and her father was sitting in a chair near the end of her bed, asleep. The bed she was lying in was shaking, rumbling. A flash of light came from the window and a load roar of an explosion sounded throughout the room. The walls around her trembled. The noise woke Jim up.

"Rory!" he exclaimed and ran over to her.
"thank god you're okay," he hugged her head then looked at her.

She looked panicked. The purple glow around him was gone.

"What happening?" she asked. The aftershocks of the explosion was causing her wound to hurt and the strong ache coming from her belly brought tears to her eyes.

"I don't know," he replied before getting i to his phone.

"Harvey," he said as his friend picked up.

"Sent officers to Gotham Hospital there has been an explosion." He said with urgency.

Rory couldn't hear what was being said on the other line but from watching her fathers face she knew it wasn't good.

"Alright," Jim said, "Get as many GCPD officers down here, we need to make sure she stays safe-" before he hung up the sound of the telecom that ran through the hospital came on and static noise started pouring out the speakers.

"Jim Gordon" the sound of a terrified woman came through the tannoy

Rory's heart dropped.

"Jim Gordon, could you please report to the front reception," she spoke again. She was stuttering through sobs as she spoke.

"I repeat, Jim Gordon to the front reception," she spoke again.

He looked at his daughter with a worried look. There was a silence again, the static was loud as the two looked at each other.

"Don't go, Dad, don't leave me," Rory begged.

She knew this was a way for her to be separated from him, she knew that if he left she couldn't be protected.

"Please," the woman's voice came through again.

"Jim Gordon, you need to go to the front reception now! He will k-kill everyone if you don't. "

"Im sorry, Rory, I have to," Jim said as he moved towards the door.

"You're just playing into his hands, dad, it's a trap! Please don't leave me, please!" Rory begged as she tried to move to keep him with her, but it was two painful to move and it only resulted in more agony.

The static was cut short again.

"Oh, Jimmy! I would hurry up, if I were you," a dark, raspy voice came through the speakers. the sound of the woman screaming and a gun shot followed.

"Tik tok, Jimbo,"

Rory's stomach flipped as she herd him.

"Jerome," Jim said

"No, Dad, please!" she begged.

"I have to go, this could be my chance to get rid of him forever, Rory, to save you from him!"He said this before running out of the room with his gun cocked. Rory cried out to him as he left.

She couldn't stay here, she would be caught so easily. But she couldn't move. She was a sitting duck.

His Trophy | Jerome ValeskaWhere stories live. Discover now