Chapther 3

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Later on that week after eating at McDonalds Ghost ran up to Toast in school excited. Toast was ingroning him and really mad. Ghost asked, "Johnny, what's wrong." Out of nowhere Toast pinned Ghost to the locker and yelled, "I'M NOT JOHNNY!" Johnny ran over pulled Gavin off aplogzing for his behavior. Ghost forgot that Toast and Gavin were twin brothers, who were so biopolar oppisites. Gavin walked off and Toast asked Ghost what he wanted to tell him. Ghost asked, "guess who got the job at McDonalds?" Toast guessed, "hmm, Geroge W. Bush?" Ghost answered, "what, no it was me, I got the job." Toast laughed, "I know you got it, I just wanted to tesse you." Ghost smiled and asked if Toast wanted to hangout after school. Toast said, "Of coure I want to, I'm intrested in that ghost hunting idea of yours." They went to class and hungout durring lunch and recess. Toast had to talk to a teacher after class, so Ghost was outside waiting for him. Gavin and two of his friends walked over to Ghost pissed off. Gavin yanked Ghost's phone away throwing it across the street. Ghost yelled, "WHY'D YOU DO THAT!" suddenly Gavin punched Ghost in his stomach, Gavin chuckled and said, "I hate you so much, your so annoying and always at my house, all because your my brothers closest friend." Ghost was going to cry but held it back and said, "I'm sorry." Gavin kicked Ghost back down and enjoyed beating the shit out of Ghost. Gavin had his friends make a whole in the snow. After Gavin was done beating up Ghost they threw him in the whole barrying him in snow. Before Gavin walked off he bent down and whispered to Ghost, "stay away from me" Toast was done going his grade and homework with the teacher. He went outside and looked for Ghost but didn't see any sign of him. He tried calling Ghost and and heard his phone over on the other side of the street. "Where did Ghost go, he left his phone out here all craked up and dirty," Toast said to himself. When he went and got snow to clean it off he saw something in the snow. "GHOST," He screamed and unbarried his friend. Ghost was covered in bursies and had some cuts and blood on him. Ghost was knocked out completely and Toast deceied to pick him up. He carried Ghost to the nurses office where he stayed for a while. The school sent Ghost to the hospital and Toast came with worried almost crying. Toast paced in the waiting room and blamed himself for not watching Ghost carefully. He knewn that people loved to bully Ghost and hurt him. He was going to make a promise to never ever let anyone hurt Ghost again. The doctor said Ghost woke up and he could go see him. Toast ran in and saw Ghost who was smiling and talking to a nurse about paranormal actvity. Ghost looked over and got out of bed to hug Toast but the nurse sat him back down. "You can't stand up right now you were hit in the head really hard," The nurse said. Toast hugged Ghost while sitting down and couldn't help but cry. Toast said, "I was suppose to protect you but I didn't." Ghost replied, "It's ok, I'm fine and you helped me when you could, that's all that matters." Toast asked, "who hurt you anyway?" Ghost replied, "It was Gavin." Toast looked pissed off and said, "Figures it was that prick, I love my brother but he is so mean." Doctor came in and said, "Johnny Ghost is able to be taken home." After that Toast and Ghost went to Toast's house where Toast and Gavin got in a fight. Toast was pissed and had a vailed reason to be. Not only did Gavin hurt his best friend but also his crush.

Haunted by my secret (Johnny ghost x Johnny toast) Where stories live. Discover now