Chapter 6

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5 months, it's been three months now, since that little....adventure...of Revali and mine. Since that day both of us avoided each other. None of us really wanted to talk about what happened or about anything else. He doesn't even look at me anymore. For me it seems like, I'm just nothing to him, not exciting air, which lead to my conclusion that he hates me....Because if he's talking to me, then in a tone that is more than just heartbreaking. And when he's talking with or about me, then the only thing I'll be hearing is how dumb and stupid I am. At least Falla is still talking to me, which helps me out a lot. She said that I shouldn't care about her brother and that he's just a big dwarf and that he's just looking for an excuse to never have something to do with me again, because he can't stand seeing me helping out everyone in the village. She might be right, but I still want to get along whit everyone here, since this is my new home.

Anyway, what I actually wanted to talk about is that I've been helping Guru, the old Rito who is building the best bows in all Hyrule. Remember when I talked about, him wanting to build something useful for his kind of work, because he's getting weaker and weaker? Correct! After my main goal here in Rito village, is my love to helping others whit my machines on making their lives easier. So I was walking around Rito village when I bummed into Cerio, a black Rito male and son of Guru, who was shy as ever, trying to help his father as best as he could. He's one of the shyer and kinder Rito here in town. Even tho he has a massive body, his character was more the one of a little loyal child, always willing to help others. He was really shy and also as clumsy as me (even a little bit more than I am...if I have to be honest) But no one can say that he isn't a nice Rito, not only he's kind, but also quit charming. His feathers were beautiful fluffy and not only are the coolers black and white of his the only thing that made him so attractive. For me, his beak was absolutely perfect! I can't describe it in words! But what I think is one of the main reasons of that fact is that his crystal blue eyes are shining at everyone with kindness. Sadly a pinch of fathers always covers them and sometimes I have the feeling that of that reason he hardly can see something. I met him while walking down some stairs to the first floor. He was heavily trying to carry some dark woods up to his father's workshop. But, well as clumsy he is, he tripped over his own feet and dropped the wood as he fell down. I walked up to him in order to help the shy Rito back up. "That looks heavy, Cerio. Should I help you with that?" I smiled as I helped the young Rito standing up. Thankful of my help he tried to collect all the black wood that he had dropped. "Well... I guess...t-that it have one helping wing at...y-your side..." he mumbled out a little shy and scared of my, as always, aura of happiness and energy. "Oh, don't worry pal! That's why I'm here for!" I hopped offer to him to pick up some of the wood he probably got for his father to make new arrows or even bows out of them. It really is a talent to create such beautiful weapons as these. For me it would be an honor if I could be able to learn the act of crafting a bow, but sadly, I was born to fulfill other duties in my live. Some I've chose to do...and others which meant to be. Anyway, as Cerio and I collected all, on the ground lying wood we walked inside the workshop and home of his father Guru. "Ah, Cerio, you're finally back and as I can see you broth me the cute Hylian inventor". Guru, an old but rather wise Rito greeted us at the entrance as we came in. His black feathers looked terrible, since he is an old Rito. Part of white feathers are seen in his black once, but still he looks like he can go on adventure. I really like that guy; he's one of the funny types here in Rito village. He always has some good puns to tell and story's for the younger generation. Like once, when he was still a young Rito he used to travel around, just like me, and wanted to see all the places in Hyrule before starting a live whit a family and settle down. He saw a lot of places, I didn't even know existed and he truly was a man of weaponry...that might be the reason why both of us like each other that much. Both of us are amazed by all the kind of weapons, which exist in this land, also about the old history of the Sheikahs. I, for my part, know a lot about them, I mean no wonder...

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