Chapter 9

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Dear Dirary,

It's been month since this Sheikah visited us. Since then an entire team of them trys to dig out that beast. To be honest; this machine is bigger than I would have expected! It has a bird like figure. I wonder if every beast looks like that one. Anyway, I'm hoping to get a better look at them. Maybe their material could help me with my inventions and also I could try to make some armor out of it... I've heard that a group of Sheikah went to the domain of the Zora's, since a Zora found something in the big lake near them. They might think that it is also one of the beasts and that they could dig them out with the help of the Zora. I'm really fascinated by these beasts! I mean, I wonder what purpose they have in all of this with defeating Ganon. You know, this legendary Ganon-beast that would destroy all of Hyrule! Legends say that the princes of Hyrule, with help of the chosen hero would defeat him. I don't know if I should believe in these stories... but old Sheikah stories tell that something like this has happened 10000 years ago, only with the help of these machines and beasts. I might not be chough up in this, but still I want to, at least, take a peek at all the other beasts...still I could made a simple copy of the slate I've found in the bird beast. Somehow I managed to find out how this slate works! Now, at first I took that thing apart, looking how it worked. It's made out of antic material and of course, Sheikah magic. You recognize the magic of the Sheikah by the blue, sometimes even red/orange glowing color. Anyway, I put it back together and found out that this slate had different kinds of I would call it. I still don't know how they work, but I will find out! I also found out that you could make real live images that will appear in this slate. It is funny! I carry that thing around everywhere I go. And somehow I have the feeling that we might be able to finally open the shrines with the Sheikah slate! I wonder...what is inside of the shrines... Uh, I totally forgot! Back then when I was in Kakariko village I made some researcher, because of the divine beasts and I read that in order to control them, you need someone who takes care of the beasts...something like a champion. I wonder if that really is like this...

Oh and by the way. I don't write that often into my diary...ohm so just to tell you. It's been 3 years now since I moved to Rito village. I never thought that I would stay for that long..., but I really like it here. I might stay forever. Today I helped out Falla a bit in her shop. She was quite glad that I came. Since Rito village has a food shop now, even a few tourists came to visit this place and I can see why! It might be cold here sometimes, but the view is magnificent. I've met some travelers passing by to get some rest and also to stay for one night to rest. "Falla, where should I put this?" I asked my Rito friend as I held up some butter. "Over there please" Falla pointed at a table and I put them there. "Thank you again for helping me. I don't know what I would have done without your help." The female smiled as she looked over to me and I just smirked in respond. Then Cerio came in, looking a bit shy. He considered the food on the tables and then slowly walked up to Falla. "G-Greetings...I'm here, because...we...I wanted to bring you the arrows you wanted." The black and handsome Rito pulled out some arrows. Normal arrows, but also some explosive once. "Ah, thank you Cerio. Can you put them over there?" While Falla went back to work, Cerio had to pass me in order to put down the arrows. He felt a bit uncomfortable as he came near me, since I was such a happy and noisy person, he often was a bit afraid of me. But at the same time he liked me and to be honest; he so charming! "Hey, Cerio. How's Guru doing? It's been so long since I visited you." I asked him nicely and by this he shook up a little. He turned around, trying to be brave and put on a light smile. "H-He's...fine. He still m-makes all the...bows with.....your machine..." He looked a bit to the side, avoiding eye contact. I just smiled at him and had to giggle a bit. "that's the Guru we know." I chuckled and also did he. But after a while of chatting Cerio told me that he still had to do some things and so he left. "He sure is a nice fella." Falla walked up to me and stood there for a while. I nodded lightly. "Isn't he adorable?" I smiled as both of us considered the young Rito walking away. "And he's also quite the handsome one." The red female mentioned and both us sighed as we thought about him, than a voice interrupted us. "Really? I hope you think that of me, too." It was Kasrial, who often visited Falla in her shop and also helped her out sometimes, since he knew about the difficult relationship between Revali and her. "Tch, sure Kasrial!" Falla rolled with her eyes, smiling and went back to work. Kasrial following her, helping her out a bit. To be honest, when I see the two of them together...they're pretty close friends. I've been here for 3 years now and I noticed how often the white Rito would come to visit his stressed female Rito friend. I'm glad that he does so, since lately Falla nearly would have exploded cause of all the things she goes through. I really would visit Falla more often if I could, but I just have too much work to do. Not only creating more inventions, armor and weapons, but I also wanted to work more on my main project. Lately I'm really desperate, since I had no idea how to bring that thing into reality. I decided on letting the two Ritos alone and started to went back to my workshop. Somehow it's really bothering me, that I just can't find a way to bring my main project into reality! It's like something important is missing...I already calculated the way it should function and how it should look like, but I have to find a material, which is able to be used as the main consultation of my machine. Then suddenly I had the best idea I ever had in my live! Why not use the antic material of these beast and shrines?! Maybe they could help me. So that's what I did after this brilliant idea shot through my mind. I know some places where you can find these guardian or how the sheikahs call them. They used to be some protectors of Hyrule, but eventually everyone forgot about them and they "died". I often used their materials to build other inventions, but I never came to the idea to use their power or the shell. Trying desperately to find anything in the guardian that could help me in a forest near Rito village, I hear some noises not far away from where I was. I stopped what I was doing and went into the direction sounds came from and after trying to find out from what the noises came from I realized that someone was fighting against someone else. Did some nasty goblins attacked some travelers again? I rushed toward the noises to make sure and also to help the person who got into a fight with the monsters as suddenly something long passed my face. That object nearly hit me. At first I didn't knew what it was but I realized that it had been an arrow aimed at me. And that's when I saw it, standing right in front of me that big and strong creature with the muscular body and the two horns on his head. A lynel. My blood froze immediately and I felt like my heart froze as I looked up to the fearsome creature that considered the small person in front of him. His brown body was all tense as he titled his head to the side. He seemed rather surprised that I suddenly appeared, but I wasn't sure if he really felt that way or was just looking at me like I was food. He held a long bow in his hand, all golden and shiny. I heard of the bows the lynel used to hunt and kill, famous for being the most powerful range weapon in the entire country. I heard that if you should met a lynel, that they will ignore you as long as you don't attack them nor make eye contact and keep your distant. Well, I stood really close to him, like only one meter away and I made intensive eye contact...which probably wasn't the best idea. I should have walked away slowly at least to show him that I didn't mean any harm, but I stood in place like I was frozen. I wouldn't move and my body started to shake as the giant beast cried out a raw and started making a move to kill me as out of nowhere I head a strong wind coming up, blowing me out of the sight of the beast, who had shoot and arrow that would have hit me. I turned around immediately to see what the beast was going to do next as I saw a dark blue feather falling slowly to the bottom of my feet and heard a familiar voice. "Somehow I have the feeling that you like getting saved by me." Just to make sure, I looked straight up in the air, only to see Revali gliding through the air, whit his bow on his back and his eyes fixed on the enemy. He just saved me with the power of his storm like wind he creates to make an updraft. Exceptionally, I was really happy to see him, on the other side I was also a bit stunned, because I nearly got killed...again. "...Uh...I don't do that on purpose!!!" I yelled at him so he wouldn't come to the wrong idea that I was trying to make his live even harder. He didn't responded though and just started a frontal attack toward the lynel. Again his swift movements of him and the way he fought was as always magnificent to watch. The way he surrounded the lynel to irritate him let him look so elegant and arrogant at the same time, like he was only playing with him. His emerald green eyes scanned the monster and his cold and calm gaze would have let any other female Rito melt in an instant, but I...well...I just laid there in the snow like an idiot, blinking. I still had to calm down and as I finally did I stood up from where I was and shouted out to the stubborn bird. "Are you crazy?! That thing is a lynel, you can't defeat it by yourself, you need back up!!" I tried to get through that bird head, but he probably wouldn't listen to me. But for a moment I thought I saw a glimpse of understanding in the Ritos eyes. Though he didn't listened to me he continued fighting the monstrosity by his own. Such a stubborn bird! Even though I have to admit that I admire his confidant and strength. Just as Revali flew directly towards the lynel he got hit by the brown beast, who saw him coming and prepared a counterattack. The male was thrown directly towards me and eventually he crushed into me, so the both of us landed in the snow. "Uh, Revali are you ok?" I pushed the bird off me so he could stand up again and so he wouldn't lay on my body, since he was quite heavy. I tried to help him up but as mind headed that bird was, he didn't took my offer. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me, you'd better go back to the village and let me handle that thing." not even looking at me answered to my question and then added "or you'll get in my way." He scoffed and gave me a nasty look to make it clear that I was an annoyance to him. Like I said, he's such a stubborn bird! "No way, I'm going to do that! Like I would leave you here like that!" I complained and tried to look more confidant by standing straight and looking up to the Rito. I tried to look bigger, which didn't really helped much since the blue feathered bird was way more bigger than me. "Don't be a fool." He hissed as he clicked with his tongue, as he looked down to me, his wings crossed. I wanted to explain the situation for him as he quickly pulled me to his side so the lynel that was rushing toward us wouldn't hit its targets. Revali pushed me far away to the side and I tripped over my own feet and landed in the snow again with my face facing the ground. I picked myself up and spit out the snow that I accidentally swallowed. I turned my head and angrily stared at the bird who was now up in the air again, fighting off the monster. I bet he did that on purse, because I saw that he was smirking as he saw my angry and offended look on my face. That he even would mess around with me in that kind of situation was really mean! No matter how much I couldn't stand him right now, I sure noticed that he was doing everything to keep the lynel away from me, since he knew that I, unlike him, couldn't defend myself. I might should listen to him...but he's not the only stubborn being here! So I looked around trying to find something that could help him, since even though he fought well, he couldn't beat that beast all alone. I sure noticed how he messed up sometimes as he wanted to attack the lynel and that he was getting weaker and more exhausted with every move he striked. I guess he noticed that he couldn't do it by himself, too, because he actually listened to me as I tried to guide him. "Revali! Please let me help you!" I shouted out to him so he would hear me. "Only in your dreams!" He shouted back tying to keep his pride, while he dogged the arrows flying through the air, that were tying to hit him. "Stop being so stubborn, you bird! From my point of view I have a perfect sight to your battle and so I can guide you!" with that I tried to get through him and he seemed to think about it and then finally agreed with me. It probably took him a loot of self control to say that he would let me help him and I'm sure going to tease him with that. But back then I had to concentrate so he wouldn't get killed by the horse-like monster! "Ok, listen carefully! He's going to try to attack you with a surprise attack from the left when you come flying around him. He'd notice your moves by now, so you have to be even quicker than he is!" As good as I could I tried to guide and help him out and he actually listened to my advise. By me telling him what to do and where the attacks would come from we made a really good team, but we couldn't continue like this, since Revali wouldn't be able to keep up a fight like this, so we had to find a way to get rid of this monster. Just as I told Revali to let the lynel run into a tree, in which one of his horns get stuck, I called him to me. "That won't stop him for long." The blue Rito landed elegant next me, trying to look all strong and powerful, even though he go some pretty nasty wounds. Kasriel didn't lied to me as he told me that Revali was one of the best warriors in the village and that he was proud of him as his teacher and I can see why, no matter how hard the fight might seem, the blue Rito wouldn't give up and keep fighting. I was really relieved that he was the one fighting along my side, because his calm look let me feel save and I actually felt something like confidant...I was filled with determination and even though I knew that we couldn't win against that beast, I still believed that we at least would survive! "Listen Revali, as much I know that you are one of the best fighters among the Ritos, we can't beat that thing alone. We have to get back to the village and-" I was cut off by him and was a bit shocked by the tone in his voice and the desperate look in his eyes. "i can't" even though he breathed heavily and tried to hide his pain that shot trough his entire body because of the wound he got, his voice remained cold and his look harden like stone. His green eyes were still fixed on the enemy. It was absurd and at first I thought that he was crazy! "What are talking about!?" I tried to persuade him to get helped and back up, but he just wouldn't listen to me no mater what I told him and suddenly he turned his head to me, with a look on his face I never saw on him ever before. He was deathly serious about this and wanted to show me how important this was for him. "If you don't understand than just go and stop annoy me!" That's when it hit me. Now I realized why he wanted to defeat that lynel so badly. The look he wore on his face was just too familiar and I knew it all too well. He didn't wanted to defeat that monster to gain more power or anything, no, by fighting against it he wanted to prove himself that he was worthy of doing the thing he does. He wanted to show himself what he was capable of. He wanted to prove what he could do. The shocked look on my face faded and instead a light smile appeared on my face as I signed. "If that's the case..." I thought for a while as suddenly I had a genius idea again. Me and my fabulous mind... "Then follow me!" I grabbed his wing and pulled him away from the monster who freed himself and was now charging an attack at us again. We dogged the many arrows, which were hitting the ground near us. "What are you doing?! The enemy is on the other side!" Revali growled as he complained that I was doing the exact opposite of fighting; running. "Just trust me!" I said, not really wanting to get into an argue with him and I pulled him even further to a path between two high cliffs. Just as we took cover behind a rock the lynel spit out a huge flame and all the snow around us melt to water. It pretty much looked like we were in a death end, because if we would continue the narrow path the beast could easily finish us off with just one blow. "Oh great! How wise it was to listen to you." Revali scoffed as he rolled with his eyes. He made sure to sound as cold as he could, while he was checking on our enemy. I giggled awkwardly as he said so, since he was right at some point. "Now's not the time..." I said a bit flat, while I considered our situation. I could hear the wild raw of the lynel and could see that Revali was trying to shot at him as well, but he would ran out of arrows soon. I had to think! THINK! Then I grabbed the ego bird next to me. "Hey what?!" He shouted and tried to get away from me, but before he could I pulled out a bomb arrow out of his quiver. "If you fly up in the air and try to make an avalanche, we could kill him with that." I said exited and he looked at me, having doubts in his eyes. "There's no way I can fly up there without that beast hitting me!" He tried to reject my idea and he was, but that's the part where I came in. "Not If I distract him!" I shouted out and ran out of our hiding place. The blue Rito shouted something but I couldn't hear it anymore, because as I showed myself and the lynel was already running at me. I tried to ran as fast as I could and followed the narrow path that lead into a sudden cliff. Left and right I was cornered by stone walls, but I knew that part of the Hebra mountain very well, so I knew what I was doing. From the edge of my eye could see that Revali had followed my orders, even though he seemed like he wasn't happy about it at all. Just as I reached the end and as the lynel spit out another wave of fire, I head a loud exploding noise. I knew that Revali had shot at the top of the high cliff next to me so a big wave of snow was falling down towards me and the beast. In order not to get coughed by the I jumped off the cliff, falling free. I could hear the lynel's cry behind me as he was taken away by the massive of snow, 'drowning' him and also I could hear the loud shouts of the Rito. "HYLAN! DID YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!" He tried to fly up to me as fast as he could, but he was to slow, since he was wounded on one of his wings. It would have seen like the end of me, but then right when I was falling, I put out one of my inventions I've created a long time ago. It was the first prototype of my latest invention, my main invention. I call it the para glider and it works as good as ever! Gliding, I slowly reached the safety of earth and I felt a light hint of wind next to me. It was the young Rito who landed next to me, out of breath. I smiled a bit as I considered him. He just stared at me in shock and a light irritated look on his face. Then he cough himself again and asked "What is that?" He pointed at the para glider, which laid next to me. "Oh, that...well...its one of my inventions..." I said awkwardly, while rubbing the back of my neck. It was weird to mention my inventions to him, since he disliked everything I do, especially my inventions. "You crafted this thing on your own?" He considered the big glider, with a look on his face I couldn't tell. I surely thought that a nasty comment would escape his mouth but instead he said this: "Well...that's quite handy." He said out like it some sort of an item he didn't knew if it was dangerous or not. But it didn't mattered, because this was actually the first time he ever said a nice comment to me! So I immediately jumped up a bit and cheered out in happiness. "You really think so?!" A huge smile was written all upon my face, because it was the best thing I could have imagined! To hear these words out of his mouth was like a gift from the goodness. He was a bit uncomfortable with the fact I cheered so much and considered me with a skeptical look. Then some other Rito with white feathers landed next to Revali. It was Kasrial who looked a bit worried as he saw the two of us standing next to a huge mountain of show and with an arm of a dead lynel sticking out of it. "What has happened?" Kasriel was curious and a bit worried about the two of us, even though he stayed as cool as ever. "We got into a fight with one of these lynel who appeared more and more on this area. I was on duty as I noticed the beast and attacked." He stopped and gazed at me with a little annoyed look in his eyes. "Then this Hylian bums right into the lynel, setting herself in grave danger." He turned his head to me, staring at me with a pissed look on his face and an extreme overdone voice. "Am I right, Hylian?" I froze a bit as I didn't look back to the blue bird standing next to me but instead smiled awkwardly at Kasriel, who raced an eyebrow. I was getting a bit nervous now, because Revali made it obvious that I was 'the Problem again' so I answered quickly. "But he saved me and killed the lynel!" I moved behind Revali and pushed him toward Kasriel and giggled like a childish brat. "With only one arrow left he guided the beast into a trap between the two high cliffs and triggered an avalanche to make dispose of this monstrous being." As good as I could I acted all normal, trying not to let ot sound overkill, since the story hadn't really happened like I explained, but in the end Revali actually was the one who killed the beast. The blue Rito was a bit surprised by the story I told and opened his beak to protest, but I pushed him even further so he wouldn't come to say something against me. "He's my hero! If he hadn't showed up I would have been killed! I really owe him something!" I shouted out in pure happiness and moved to Kasriel's side and put my hand on the tall white Rito's shoulder. "We should head back to the village and tell everyone what he had done today in order to protect his village." the elder warrior wore a light proud smile on his beak, which seemed rare, since Revali immediately turned his head to the side, trying to hide his proud look on his face. "It was nothing..." he mumbled and I could have hugged both Rito in front of me, but since they were warriors...I'd rather not. Together we went back to the village, since Revali shouldn't fly with his wound on his wing. It was all nice and I felt more then just happy, not only because I nearly died, no, because I finally felt happy that I could help Revali to be seen as a real warrior in the village now. You see, because of his young age, most of the Rito didn't really thought that he was ready to become a fighter and protector of the village. I guess that was one of his reasons he trained so much. I could be wrong, but Revali seemed really happy that evening. As we arrived at the village he was immediately taken care of and later that evening when he was fixed up again, the village celebrated the victory of the young Rito. There was a loot of food and all of the Rito surrounded Revali asking him questions and having chats with him. Especially the small Rito children seemed to celebrate the victory of their hero the most. Eventually every time someone asked about me I tried to, well, stay unseen. Which noticed Revali and so he just changed the subject or made a comment like I just stood in his way. He saw the expression on my face every time someone asked about me and saw how I tried to avoid any credit. Luckily he never came up to me and ask me why so? It seems like he understood that I didn't liked it to stand in the spot light. I watched from afar how everyone was celebrating and was having a good time. Then a voice woke me up from my though. "Good evening silly~." It was Falla who stood now next to me. She seemed to have noticed me standing far away from the crowd. "And, how do you feel after getting you and my brother in danger again?" She chuckled jokingly and as she laid her wing on my left shoulder. I giggled and answered "You know me, always trying to get killed." It was nice to have someone who I could at least talk to after this long day and that's when I noticed that I hadn't done the thing I actually wanted to do. My actual plan was to find a good material from these guardian to make my invention. Dang! I totally forgot! Anyway, Falla and I enjoyed a nice talk and she left as Kasriel asked her for a favor. And there I was again, alone. Well...but not for long. Issi came running at me. One of the post pigeons, who was the younger twin of the duo. His sister Mori was following him, as bored as ever. "Heya! YUHI. Are you enjoying yourself?" the yellow Rito bounced up and down as he reached me. I nodded, quite happy to see the two of them, because I remembered that I still had a letter, which I wanted to sent to Kakariko. "Oh by the way, Issi..." I pulled out my letter and handed it to the Rito. "Would you mind putting this to your collection? I forgot to give it to you this morning..." I looked at the young male who only nodded happily and took the letter, putting it in one of his many bags. Mori stood next to him and considered me. "Seems you have businesses..." She mentioned and I just shrugged, not really wanting to tell anyone about my relationship with the Shaikahs... I excused myself and went off to some place more quite. It's been a quite long and hard day. Even though I enjoy the celebration, I still was a bit unease about these Sheikah things, the divine beast... and more important the connection between them! I have a bad feeling about this and I just want to proceed with my work normally. I just need to finish my main invention. That's the only thing I have to do. Again as I took a platform to sit on, I gazed up into the sky, like I always do when I'm stressed or some sort of thing. The dark blue sky looked all too quiet and the stars twinkled like they always do. A nice wind was blowing trough the village and then, some snowflakes slightly glide down to earth. This entire village seemed so nice and friendly, I appreciate everyone here, but how long will I be able to stay here? What if I can't finish what I planned? What if I have to go back? All these thought flew through my mind and for a moment, I considered the canyon down below my feet. Sitting on the edge of the platform the never ending fall was easy to see. How often I had the wish to just end it all. If I only was born as a Rito I could fly away from all the trouble I have. I could be free and live my live, but I wasn't. I'm bound to the ground. I stood up from my place and walked away as far as I could from the cliff, before I would do something stupid. After the celebration was over, most of the Rito went to bed and so I could finally talk with Revali in private. I walked down some stairs to get to Falla and Revali's house. I entered and to my surprise Falla wasn't there. Well, lucky fro me actually... Revali, who sat on the floor fixing his bow looked up to me. His eyes narrowed a bit as I entered the house. "What do you want?" He scoffed and continued with his bow, not really taking note of me. I walked up to him and sat down next to the blue Rito. "Well, I just wanted to thank you, since...well, you saved my life today. Be proud of yourself!" I chuckled a bit so this tense feeling I always have around him would disappear. Talking to him was actually pretty awkward, since our relationship wasn't the best there is... Anyway, I tried my best not to say something wrong or do something stupid. At first he said nothing, his attention fully fixed on his bow. The tense silence between the two of us grew wider with every second and my heart started to beat faster. After a short time, I opened my mouth again to say something, but the bird interrupted me before I could mention anything. "Tell, me. Why didn't you mentioned the other that you were the one who had the plan to let the lynel die by an avalanche?" Now he had put his swallow-bow to the side and looked straightened at me, with his green eyes. I immediately looked away, because I knew that I couldn't stood a chance against looking into the emerald eyes. It always had been a bit hard for me to look into peoples eyes... He noticed that I tried to avoid any kind of eye contact at the moment, so he took his gaze away from me. I was quite thankful about that and so I searched for a proper answer. "Well, you see...I don't really like getting much attention from everyone." I started, at first being a bit unsure on how to say out what I had in mind, without angering the warrior. "And even if you have a plan like I had, back then, you still need someone with....proper skill. Since I have no idea how to use a bow...all credit went to you, of course..." I was not sure if that would have upset Revali, so I turned my head to him, wanting to know his expression. He didn't really showed any reaction, just a light nod with his feather head. I'm not really good in finding out what others think, but I guess that he was in thoughts. I was right, because soon he spoke up. "The thing you used...that, pe...para glider, right?" He looked at me and I just nodded. "It is quite useful for hylinas..." it was quiet for a while, because Revali stopped and seemed to look like word to tell me what he had in mind. "Why don't you share it with other featherless...I mean, as hard as it might be for me to say this, but you have talent for something like some way or another" he didn't really sounded like he meant it, but it was enough for me to hear that out of his beak I opened my mouth, because I didn't expected him to say that and just stared at him for some seconds. I mean he just complemented me! ME. The person he liked the least! I couldn't hold back all the joy I felt in my heart and I saw from the Ritos look that he'd wished he never said these words to me, because I jumped forward to hug him. I noticed on the way that he shrugged back. Guess he wasn't familiar with hugging, but I didn't care at that time, since I was too happy. He tried to push me off and after 5 seconds I let go of him to leave him some space. I bet he hated me even more for that. I just smiled at him and it sure was to see how happy I was. I mean that's the nicest thing I've ever heard out of his mouth. "Don't be too happy about it, hylian...consider this as a thank you...." He looked to the side so he wouldn't have to look at my happy expression that was written all over m face. I guess he didn't liked it that I admire him so much. It was an awkward silence between the two of us with none of us saying a thing...we might get along a bit better, but...I guess that the two of us don't fit together. But then there was this one wish I had for him. I wasn't sure how he would react to it, since I asked him this one question before...but I had to try. So I opened my mouth to tell him what was on my mind. "Revali, may I offer a wish of mine?" The bird looked back up from his bow to me, having a curious look on it face. "What?". I tried really hard not to burst out in my usual fanatic person and so I continued "Can may you give me permission to help you with your training!" I put all my determination into that single phrase and was waiting for his answer. I know I asked him that before and I know that he probably doesn't like the idea, but...somehow I wanna be part of his amazing talent...only a little bit. He was not really surprised by my question, since he probably knew how much I admired his training and skills, but still...this time there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. "You want to...train with me?" he asked a bit unsure if I was serious or not. "Well, not really..I want to help you train...if this is fine for you..." I explained as I was tense to hear his decision and as I stared at him waiting for his response he stood up and looked down to me. "If you don't tell anyone and don't bring anything stupid with you, I see no reason why you shouldn't...." He said, even tho, his voice was cold and calm as ever, like he didn't cared much. I shot up in an instant and smiled. "Thank you! I'll be at the training ground tomorrow morning! I'm looking forward to it!" And with that I exited the house leaving the Rito warrior behind me. I'm so exited...

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