Chapter 10: The Tool (Tamlin)

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She disobeyed me. Has she forgotten that I am the one who moulded her into this creature, plus I had her first in her new body. I walk out of her room leaving Feyre weeping cradling her cheek in her hand. I will not ask for forgiveness for striking her she deserved it for speaking up, I am her High Lord I have the right to punish those in my court for noncompliance. But I love her so I won't have her whipped for it.

As I continue to walk away, I hear a tinkle of bangles followed closely by Ianthe saying "I hear the servants spreading rumours that you hit Lady Feyre, Tam! Did you?" I turn to her, she takes a step back as claws come out of my knuckles.  "So it is true." she says sighing deeply "What I would recommend High Lord is that you find who is spreading this rumour and have them punished for saying such things and I will make sure that Feyre's handmaiden makes sure she looks like nothing happened. We must control this situation before it gets out to other courts especially you know who's." I know what she means if Rhysand finds out a lot of the Courts will side with him in a war because one Feyre, as much as I hate it, is his mate and two I abused her, she is the saviour of Prythian and holds a lot of power amongst us. "Deal with it here and then go to Hyburn to tell him that there might be a rebellion here." She nods and goes off probably to her temple.

I walk to my office and see Lucian standing there. "We need to talk," he tells me. I nod and walk-in, he follows me. "I am worried Tam, that Feyre is lying about the broken mating bond because one night I walked past her room and I hear her and Alis talking about someone. She said that she misses him and that she will tear this Court to the ground." I laugh so hard that I nearly fall off my chair with laughter. Tears roll down my face, that is impossible. She would be eaten alive in his Court but here she is. "Tam I am serious! You didn't see her that day in the forest. She wasn't I like the girl we knew... know was no longer there and all she wanted to do was get away from us. She ran straight into his arms and her first instinct when she had the mating bond 'broken' was to protect the same killers." I stop laughing as my claws sliding free of my flesh and dig into the desk. "Lucien you may not like or approve of Feyre but you will treat her with a certain amount of tolerance and in till you can produce a suitable amount of evidence for her working for the Night Court don't pester me about it anymore," I reply. He looks like he is going to argue but doesn't.

Lucien gets up and leaves. I turn to a mirror on the wall behind me, I touch it three times and ask Mirror mirror on the wall. Flowers      of spring. The water of summer. The fire of autumn. Frost of winter. Healing of dawn. Light of day. The darkness of night. Tell me what I seek. 

And with that, a girl dressed in silver exits the mirror.  "You might wish to know this but keep your friends close and enemies closer as there is a Queen in this Court one with more power than you could comprehend." She says.

"Who is this Queen."

"I cannot tell you but be warned she is powerful"

"You are hopeless" I tell her and then I punch  

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