Chapter 35: Tool (Tamlin)

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There is a spring storm rattling the windows and making trees whip the air furiously. The candles are flickering with the wind rushing through the halls. I now know that I was too soft of her. On Feyre. I was too kind to her. I let her have her freedom, her life but I know now that I should have controlled her more. Feyre was so easily controlled by him I should have shoved a bit into the mouth of my mare to command my fiance, my wife.

There is a knocking on the oak door at the end of the hall. One of the lesser Faeries goes to open it. An ancient hag enters. She is clasping a torn black cloak around her. Her worn bony hands clasping it closer as if she wants to keep away the chill. I stare her down, she is ugly and old why is she here. She lifts her eyes to mine as she speaks her voice rough and crackling "I come here begging for shelter from the storm." She will have to pay for her shelter, I don't give charity. "I thought you were going to ask me to pay," She says her rough and she pulls out of her cloak a single orange lily. "I will give you this fire lily." I burst into laughter she wants to give me a lily in exchange for shelter. Her eyes flash as she says "Don't judge people by their appearance." I laugh even harder at this. "I ask for the last time for shelter." I look down at the hideous old crone. "Leave a flower is not worth anything." As the final word escapes my lips one of the lesser Fae rushes forwards and takes her hand. "I will care for you." She says quietly as she leads her away to somewhere the servants go. 

I secretly follow them. When they get to the far end of the manor pressing my ear against the door and peaking through a crack. I see the old female sitting in front of the fireplace her back turned away from me. Her voice cracks as she says "Thank you. You are kind." She places the flower in the lesser faery's hand as she says "This is my last possession and I have travelled throughout the world (excluding the Night Court) looking for a successor. A faery who is kind enough to give shelter to an ancient female who has nothing but a lily." She reaches up with her bony hand and careers the lesser faery's face. "The lily gives the power of life and death to the one who holds it. You will be the Mater Vita, the Mother Life. Give those who are good life, my child and take away the life of who is evil." She places the lily in her hand. "I know you will go far, my daughter." That is the last thing I hear before the sound of weeping fills the room. 

I must have that Lily because if I do I can rule this world, Faery and Mortals. No one will be able to stop me. Then I will take the cauldron. I will take the Mirror of Beginnings and Endings. I will take the Book of Breathings. I will take the Vertis. I will burn Rhysand and make Feyre watch so she understands that I rule her in every single way. She is mine in every way and when I have won this war. She will understand that. My wife is what she will become and she will bare me, strong sons.

I can't wait for that day to happen.

We have a chapter from our... I don't even know what to call him. Does anyone else have any ideas? 

I hope you enjoyed.


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