Chapter 25: Alis

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I lay out the Egyptian blue Chilton on the stool in front of the dressing table as Feyre sits looking out onto the rose garden. She misses her family in the Night Court while she is here in the Spring Manor. "Feyre it is time to get dressed," I tell her she rises from her where she is sitting and picks the dress. She goes into the bathroom to change. When she comes out she is wearing the loose Chilton. Feyre pulls out a pair of gold gladiator sandals. I push her down on to the stool and start to do her hair interweaving gold strands and sapphires. I can't help but hum an ancient lullaby. "Can you please sing it for me," Feyre asks from where she is sitting in front of me. "Tak Lelo, Lelo, Lelo leading. Please hush, don't keep on crying. My child with a lovely face. If you cry, you won't look as beautiful. I pray that you can live honourably. Be a woman of high importance. Bring honour to your parents' name. Be a warrior of your country. Please hush, my child. There, The moon is full. Like the head of a scary giant. One who's looking for a crying child. Tak Lelo, Lelo, Lelo lending. Please hush, my beautiful child. I am carrying you in a kawung batik sling. If you keep on crying, you'll make me nervous." I sing to her. Feyre smiles from where she sits as she hums along.

"You know it will get hard after what happened at the meeting?" I say quietly as I finish the final braids. Feyre intakes a breath and releases it before saying slowly "I know, but I won't stay here for much longer." I wrap my arms around her waist. Our skin is so different mine is wizened like tree bark and hers is smooth. I rest my chin on her shoulder in an embrace. "I'm scared, Alis." She says quietly. She is afraid. Frightened of him and what he could do. We know what he is capable of. He was the High Lord who killed those who were on guard when she fled after torturing every bit of evidence out of them. He is the High Lord who sold out the whole of Prythian just to get back a female who doesn't want to be with him. He sold out everyone's freedom for her a female who did not love him. It is tragic for him falling for a female whose heart belongs to his enemy. That female who is stuck between to males. One her mate, the other her fiancee. Prythian will be torn apart by his selfishness and refusal to allow her to be free.

There is a knock on the door and Alya opens the door. "It is time for breakfast, Lady. Would you like me to take you?" She says near silently from where she is standing from the door. Feyre stands and we both follow her from the room and down the corridor. We go down the staircase towards the great hall. The Tool, the Phyco Bitch High Priestess and the Tool's Sidekick were all there sitting their normal places. The Tool at the head. The Sidekick at his left. Next to him is the Phyco Bitch High Priestess. There is one empty seat on the table, on the right of the Tool. Feyre slides onto the edge of her seat. Her hand wrapped in mine as if she needs protection. "You can leave now!" the Floral Scented Ass Wipe the commands me. Feyre realises my hand slowly, her gaze is fixated on me as I leave the hall. Leaving her with the monsters of the Spring Court.

I walk back to play with the children who live in the manor. They all are the children of lesser fae as no high fae children would be seen playing with fresh dough or homemade toys. They are like how my nephews grew up in Adriata playing the bay except her we play in rivers. I wonder how children grow up in the Night Court in the Court of Nightmares. The Truth Speaker grew up there till the Lord of Darkness took her away. 

I sit and play with the children for a long time. I am not called for the whole morning so I start to worry. Walking through the corridors, I check Feyre's room and studio, the Great Hall and the Tool office. She won't be there I say as I walk to the final place I think she could be. She can't be there. She mustn't be there. I continue walking down the corridors as I go to that place. I hear her screams as I near and I start to sprit towards her screams. I slam the door open and I see ...

Sorry but a cliffy. Hope you enjoyed. I was also dealing with a writer's block but I hope you enjoyed.


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