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Sound of a phone ringing.

"Yes bro, I've reached. I also finished moving my stuff..... Yes... Yes.. oky. Call you later... Hmm.. you too take care."


"Oh man, I'm hella tired. Moving is such a pain in ass. I'll arrange the stuff tomorrow."

Yibo stood up and prepared a bath.
After the bath, he sat on the bed, and started eating the instant noodles, which he had brought in his way.

He was watching tv while eating. As soon as he finished eating, he prepared to sleep.

Late night, Suddenly he woke up, and found someone was laying beside him. There was a dim light in the room because he is afraid of dark.
And ghost.

The other person didn't seem to belong to this world, because his appearance was really strange. Wearing Long black long cloth, long hair. And he was not sure that if the body was alive or dead.

As, Yibo was scared of ghosts, he jumped and started screaming.

With Yibo's shout, that person also woke up. He didn't shout but more surprised than Yibo.

Yibo's habit to sleep with bare body. He was staring at him with utter shock.
Yibo felt self conscious but he couldn't move.

Yibo figured out that he was not a ghost for sure. Then who is he? How did he enter my room? I closed all the windows and doors. Everything was too suspicious. Is he A cosplayer? Or a thief?

As his fear was gone, he was about to shout at him. But that person laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha....." He rolled on the bed and fell down, but still laughing loudly.

"Lan Zhan?" Yibo confused. Why a strange-looking person calling him with a weird name? He must be a madman.

"Stop laughing! Who are you?" Yibo shouted.

The person stopped. And came on the bed, looking him closely...
"Lan Zhan! Are you drank ?"

He noticed his full body. Coming a bit near at him, said, "You never be seen naked before. Even if when we shared the same bath. Now why in the middle of the night you climb on my bed like that?"
He got more closer, "Don't tell me...."

Yibo has had enough. He could not tolerate any more.

Yibo pushed him, and grab his dress. Now he was wearing a loose t-shirt and shorts.
Standing beside the bed, he roared, "Get out of my room, how did you enter this room? Get out. I'm going to call the police." And he turned on a bright light.

The other person now seemed really confused and serious. He looked around the room. Then he stared at Yibo. He raised his eyebrows and got up.

Yibo became impatient. He couldn't decide what to do.

The person spoke up. "Who are you?"

Yibo cried, "That's my line. Who are you? What are you doing in my room?"

"Listen boy, I think we need to clear up something. Something strange happened. Look I'm sorry, I actually thought you are someone else I know. I'm not mad. Sit first."

The atmosphere was serious. Yibo sat down the other corner of the bed.

The person smiled a bit to lighten up the atmosphere.

"You don't know me, right? I'm Wei Wuxian, birth name Wei Ying, from Yunmeng Jiang clan." He said and waited for his reaction. "He was feeling uneasy with the greeting!"

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