Chapter 15

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We drove for a good five minutes because the party wasn't in our neighborhood. It was in a nice area with nicely built houses and well-kept lawns.

Jamal had stopped the truck in front of this huge house. The lights were already flashing from the inside and you could hear the music already.

I got out and there were so many people here. It looked like the whole school was here. Probably was.

Jamal grabbed my hand and led me inside. On the inside, the music was booming. Girls were dancing, boys were drinking and checking out the girls.

Jamal checked in with a few of his buddies and I was looking around. This was way out of my zone but it seems chill. Next thing I know, I feel a presence from behind me and I turn around to see Keith.

Keith was apart of the football team too. He was caramel with curly hair and dimples. He was smiling and licking his lips at me.

"Hey, Keith."

"Wassup Katie. You looking hella good tonight. I barely see you at parties like this."

"Yeah, it's a bit different."

"Mhmm." His eyes were moving all around my body. And in his eyes, I looked like his next meal. I was really hoping that Jamal would show up.

"Who you here with?"

"Me big dog." Keith turned around and Jamal was standing there, eyeing him. Keith stepped back and shook Jamal's hand, "My bad J. Ian think she was yo girl." Jamal instantly wrapped me up and kissed me.

"Yeah, she is." Keith nodded and walked off to another female. Jamal turned to me and handed me a drink.

"Thirsty?" I declined and shook my head. "I don't drink."

"It's punch baby. I wouldn't give you alcohol."

"Alright." I took the cup and smelled it first just to see. It didn't smell like liquor so I sipped a little bit and it was actually juice.

Jamal poked me in my side and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "Told you, girl."

I rolled my eyes and felt a pop on my booty. Did this nigga just pop me? I looked up and he was grinning. "Keep those hands to yourself, mister."

"How can I when it's all up on me?"

We swayed to the music and danced to the beat. I smelled some BBQ and instantly turned to him. "Y'all got food?"

"Hell yeah! The football boys don't play." I jumped up and down like a schoolgirl. "Take me to the food." He took my hand and led me towards the back of the house. Back here, there were tables filled with food.

Black people food at that.

I couldn't wait to make a plate. While I was daydreaming, Jamal kissed my neck and whispered into my ear.

"Be right back gorgeous."

I nodded and made me a nice little plate and sat down to eat. I don't know who cooked this meat but it was delicious. As I was digging into the yams and macaroni, someone had sat across from me. "Is it good?"

I looked over to see Keith, smiling at me. I wiped my mouth with the napkin and blushed from embarrassment. "Yeah, it's pretty good. You know who made all this?"

"My family did."

"Well tell them I love it."

"Preciate' it."

Jamal had found me and I saw his face change. He had a bothered look on his face when he saw Keith. He placed the cups on the table and picked up Keith by his shirt. "What did I tell you, man? She's mine!"

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