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That's all I see and that's all I hear.

Not a whiff of sunshine. No breezes passing by.

Just rain.

My sisters and I were trapped in this house. We tried to run away so many times but always end up back here. No matter what we do, we always come back here.

In this abandoned house with very few lighting. It has everything an abandoned house would have: Dim lights, squeaky floorboards, boarded up windows...

Yeah... This place was the life. No parents, no responsibility...

Just a strange ass man with no care in the world. Someone who would think life is a game and we're apart of it.

In the dirty kitchen, there I was. Standing there, losing myself in my thoughts. Wondering how it would feel to get away from all of this. To have a nice hot shower for once.

I was pushed out of my thoughts of a quality shower by a tug on my pants. I looked down to see a pair of hopeful but scared brown eyes stare at me.

It was my little sister Crissy. One of the babies that didn't have to get dragged into this hellhole. Who should be happy and laughing. Instead, she was crying and scared. I bent down and wiped her tears away.

"What's wrong C?"

"I wanna go home."

That's one thing I wanna do too little sister but we can't. We just can't. Not now and maybe not ever. But you can't say that to a child, now can you?

"We will."



"I miss Mamma." She started to cry again and I hugged her tight. I shed a few tears also. I missed Mamma and my friends too.

"Don't worry Crissy. We will get out of here."

She nodded her head. I kissed her forehead and gave her another hug. I hated the fact of how they got dragged into this. I remember that night like it was yesterday.

I should have told them to run. Just go and leave me behind then they wouldn't have to suffer.

Just then, I heard a car engine outside. My insides started to twist and twirl around. I hated it when he was here.

The front door opened and closed with a slam. I jumped a little and finished up the dishes. I felt something wrap around my waist. I looked down and saw his arms around me.

"I'm back." He whispered into my ear with his deep voice while planting a kiss on my collarbone.

Chills went down my spine as he planted another kiss on my neck. He hugged me so tight from behind as I tried to move away from him.

He turned me around in a quick motion and caressed my cheek. "I can't get any sugar?"

I didn't say anything but I kept staring into his eyes. Those dark eyes could seduce any woman he wanted. If he actually cleaned up, he would be a nice looking man. I don't see how he could live like this.

Suddenly, he slammed his lips onto mines. It tasted like nothing but cigars and alcohol. When the kiss was over, he let me go and went into the living room.

"Bring me a beer!" He growled.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge and brought it to him. He was watching the game so I knew not to bother him.

I went upstairs into the room where he put us to live in. It wasn't all that great either. The roof was leaking, still couldn't see out of the windows, and the bed was dusty and very old. Even some of the springs were poking out.

My other sister, Alex, jumped up when I came into the room.

Relax. It's just me."

She sat back down on the bed and started to braid Crissy's hair up in two big braids. I sat down next to them and told them a few stories. It brings joy to my heart when they laugh. It's been forever since they laughed.

A few minutes passed and I could hear him cursing his heart out downstairs. My sisters covered their ears while he stomped up the steps. The door flew open and he had an angry scowl on his face. You could see the vein popped out of the side of his neck.

His team must've lost and now he's pissed. My sisters jumped into my arms and I rocked them. He looked around the room to see which one of us to beat on or maybe worse. His eyes fell on Crissy and he licked his lips.

"You.", He said while pointing at Crissy. Crissy didn't move a muscle.

" No.", I said in a low tone.

He walked over to us and grabbed Crissy by her hair. He yanked her and put her over his shoulder while Crissy was kicking and screaming. I jumped up and tried to grab her but he turned around and choked me.

He held me in the air while Alex was just crying her heart out. I tried to break out of his grip but he was too strong.

"Please... Take... Me... Instead... ", I said with the little breath I had left.

He paused for a minute then let Crissy go. He dropped me and I started gasping for air. Crissy ran to me and hugged me. He walked out of the room and went into his room.

I wiped her tears and gave her to Alex. " Listen to me you two, whatever you do cover your ears. Whatever you hear, do not come out of this room. Understand?"

They nodded and I kissed their foreheads.

"Come on I don't have all day!", he yelled from his room. I stood up and walked out of the bedroom with my sisters and entered his. He approached me and instantly ripped off my clothes.

I saw the lustful look in his eyes as he picked me up and threw me on the bed. I prepared myself for the worst.

Mentally and physically.


I couldn't sleep. Not after what I just had to go through in the last few hours. It kept playing in my mind like a broken record.

He was snuggled up next to me with his head in my neck. I could feel his breathe right on my spine. I moved a little bit and he moved with me. I had to be careful and not wake him.

I moved the ragged sheet off of me and slowly moved from under him until I felt a tight grip on my neck.

" Where you think you're going?", he asked me with his eyes still closed. Tears starting streaming down my face.

"I swear I'm just going to the bathroom.", I sobbed.

He slowly loosened his grip and let me go. He turned over on his other side and I got up and crept into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror. You couldn't see anything since it was cracked but I saw a girl with bruises all over her body.

A busted lip.

And going through a traumatic experience.

I hated this. I hated this life. I wish I could turn things around...

But before I go any further......

Let me take you back to how it all started.

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